Getting it together, 100+lbs to lose, looking for buds!

fmancini Posts: 6 Member
I just found this amazing website and community today, and boy am I stoked. I'm especially looking for friends with a similar large amount of weight to lose. I have NEVER taken care of myself properly and am a total fitness/dieting noob, so anyone in the same boat is encourage to friend me! I've been really focused on getting healthier for the past two months, and I'm ready to step up my game with MFP's as a great tool to hold myself accountable and LEARN about nutrition.

My career is extremely important to me, and one of my main motivations for losing weight is that I feel it's significantly holding me back in terms of job opportunities and salary, and that ain't gonna cut it for me. Feel the same? Friend away!


  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    Welcome! You can do this. MFP is an awesome resource for support and knowledge :)
  • schierwagen
    schierwagen Posts: 19
    welcome, this is an amazing tool to help you along your journey. Sending friend request now :)
  • merricat66
    merricat66 Posts: 3
    Hi! I'm Chris and I have about 140 pounds to lose. I have just joined too. I really like what I've seen so far! Want to buddy up for encouragement and accountability, or just to chat? :happy:
  • janetg830
    janetg830 Posts: 17 Member
    I am in about the same boat, I have atleast 80 pounds to lose, I am finding it really hard to get my body to respond to losing weight. I have on IFP for about two months I think. I am also looking for friends on the program to keep me going and to give me the support to keep me motivated.
  • ppearson2007
    ppearson2007 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new here too, with a similar goal - seems a long way away! But they say that its easier with buddies for support! I'm game if you are! (Not sure how to do friend requests, but once I figure it out, I'll send it! :smile: