fed up & tired....i hate being a grump :o(

Don't know whats is up with me at the minute, my weight loss has been going well, i'm getting fitter & i'm getting close to having a healthy weight for the 1st time ever so why do i feel so fed up with it all??? I've been so fed up for the past few days that even i'm sick of hearing myself whinge but at the minute im 10lb away from a healthy BMI, 19 away from my final goal and it just seems so far away & i feel like i'm never going to get there :o(

I hate being like this, i know how awful it is putting up with a mood hoover and i don't like being that person!!! I'd say maybe i'm just ready for a break but i only just had one so i can't even use that excuse :o(.

Hopefully this wont last much longer or i may have to start avoiding myself


  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    im not sure avoiding yourself is possible,

    have you rewarded yourself for your current acheivements?

    new running shoes, gym clothes? personal training with that guy who is too hot for words?

    you need to reep the benefit of what your doing, try not to be constantly on top of yourself.

    just for a quick fix, try setting some mini targets for this weeks work outs or diet and if you acheieve them then treat yourself to something you love.

    with out knowing a lot about you i cant recommend to much but hopefully you get the jist
  • Sinope82
    Sinope82 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks, pitty about the avoiding myself bit ;o)

    I've got several mini goals set to try and make it feel like not such a big task & i'm booked in for a gym review where they take measurements / body fat% etc so im hoping that i'll see some progress and that might spur me on a bit.

    Hopefully i'll be back to my usual self sooner rather than later :o(
  • 2510delete
    2510delete Posts: 1 Member
    I feel exactly the same, I think I've exhausted my enthusiasm, right now I'm sitting here looking for motivation when I should be doing even a tiny bit of exercise.
    I feel like I'm rebelling against rules and I know I will be angry with myself later today.
    An extra slice of toast is a rare treat along with a tiny white wine spritzer.
    I'm probably not motivating you much but you aren't alone, I honestly think I'm tired and after a good nights sleep I will be better.
    Give yourself something to look forward too, have a deep quiet bath and sleep properly, also make sure you are drinking the right amount of water.

    I am going for a long walk now, then its yoga dvd later if I fancy it or swimming, after a little nap!

    Good luck, dont be down on yourself, you've done amazing, embrace the exhaustion and let yourself relax.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Sign up for an upcoming 5K or a community project looking for volunteers (park/beach cleanup, habitat, etc.), you just need to redirect your focus for a bit.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Just looking at your "88lbs lost" ticker should make you feel good!!

    I find that mini targets (that aren't based around weight) help keep me motivated.

    Maybe as you are closing in on your goal then it would be a good time to reassess or shakeup your routine and your calorie deficit so that you don't feel stale?
  • djvsfood
    djvsfood Posts: 32
    why do you set your goals around BMI? it's useless. Im pretty sure when you go get your measurements they'll tell you the same.
  • crazypeachs
    crazypeachs Posts: 55 Member
    i want to be able to keep up with the suggestions. i know this will be me soon, and i fear it is my husband now. :(
  • Sinope82
    Sinope82 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions guys, i've actually just last week finished a charity challenge, it ran for 50 days so maybe part of my mood dip is that i'm missing having something to aim at. I shall have to have a look for something else to have a go at. As for BMI i'm not using it to set my final goal, my body fat% is still high so im actually aiming to get to a healthy fat% & to a point where i look ok & feel fit & healthy. To get to a healthy body fat% im guessing i'll have to lose quite a bit more which means i should end up somewhere towards the middle of my BMI band. I tend to set my mini goals as to get to below 160/150 etc my next one just happens to be 149 which is also the top of my healthy BMI band.
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Take a week off