Would love some motivation!

Hi all,

I've been logging with MFP for about three months now, and have lost 14lbs so far, with ideally another 14lbs to go.
I am loving tracking my food intake and beng able to do more exercise and see what i'm burning (roughly)
I'm finding it difficult to stay disciplined when faced with a family who eat traditional hearty meals in big portions, and take it as an insult when i say I will cook a healthier meal for myself or for everyone instead. I do cook for everyone occasionally, but still living at home (hopefully only for another couple of months or so, exciting!) makes it harder for me to dictate what we eat. I do buy my own fruit, yougurts, snacks etc and have changed my eating habits a lot so that i can still have these family meals, just less of them and maybe substitute bits to make it less calories. It's the same when at my boyfriend's house - i find it hard to say no to his parents because i don't want to be rude, although his mum knows i am trying to lose weight (she just has a warped view of what is healthy and the amount of calories in foods, although she does try bless her!)
Anyway, what i'm trying to say is i would love some friends on here for support and motivation, to keep me on track and give any advice or tips!
Family are saying that i'm getting too skinny and scrawny, and i hate boring my boyfriend with weight loss stuff when i know he isn't interested!

I'm 20 years old, started this year at 158lbs, now 144lbs, 5'7, live in the UK, feel free to add me! :smile:


  • zolisam
    zolisam Posts: 6
    Well keep up the great work!! It's a challenge eating healthy when everyone else is eating calorie rich larger portions; however, people usually try to encourage others to eat more to make themselves feel better about their choices. You stand strong. I bet you look strong too. Your height and weight sound like you are in wonderful shape. You were looking for motivation, and you provided motivation at the same time - thank you! :flowerforyou: