P90X, starting a new journey

WhyWait Posts: 58
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok, I know there is another really popular P90X thread going, but I wanted to start my own to track my journey. I started last week and so overdid it, I had a terrible pain in the shoulder. Pain is different then soreness, so I stopped and took the week off of P90X and just did something else for the week. I'm not 100% recovered today, but I am going to get back into it. Today, will be day 1, chest and back with ab ripper! I can't wait (this is my favorite workout and yes, I am crazy). I know that today, I will give it a lot less effort then I normally would BRING IT with, but I don't want to kill my shoulder again.

I'd love to have anyone else that was considering doing P90X and was just waiting to start (or who just started) to join me! Let's stop by and keep each other accountable! That includes eating!

Today, I must start with a healthy breakfast, so off I go to make some oatmeal!

Day 1, here I come!

Have a great day,


  • Hi Heather -

    I just joined myfitnesspal.com and ran across your post. I too will be starting P90X but not until Monday (August 9th). My intentions were to start last Monday but I hurt my back during a move and was barely able to walk. My back is feeling better and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be ok start on the 9th. I have a few friends who have been doing P90X and are doing GREAT! They love it and say its addicting. I am hoping to experience that addiction b/c working out does not come easy to me. However, I am going to do all I can to make myself get my butt out of bed at 5 am every morning to do the P90X before my day gets started. Good luck to you and I look forward to you and I look forward to reading your posts along the way. I too will post my success stories. BRING IT! :-)

  • I just finished Day 2 of lean.
    i LOVE it so far. It goes by so fast!
    Good Luck (:
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    Hey Robin!

    Sorry to hear about your back. I too just took a week off because of something I did to my shoulder!

    Please join in on Monday and stay here for daily motivation! P90X is addicting. It's hard at first, but do it! The results are so worth it!

    Can't wait for you to join me!

  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58

    Great job! Tony has his crazy humor, so it does seem to go by so fast!

    See you tomorrow!
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    Ok, Checking in!

    Chest and Back done! I took it a lot easier then I wanted to, but don't want to have issues later with my shoulder. I do see that I am already getting stronger. I was able to do the negatives again on a few standard chin-ups! I will work up to doing more of those.

    I do see myself going deeper in some of the push-ups (like the decline push-up). So, that is good.

    You can push yourself with out being nuts like I was last week. :-)

    Still have ab ripper to do. But, I really need shakeology (w/ a little extra why protein) first and get out of the house for a bit. Will do abs later.

    Love how our group is growing already! Jump in anytime and post for accountability! Together we are stronger!

  • woah! thats awesome. im dreading that. pull ups/push ups is my least favorite area to get into!
    i did cardio x today! love'd it! (:
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    I use to hate Chest and Back. Now, seriously it's my favorite. I still stink at those pull-ups, but I like the workout! :-)
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    ok, day 2 Plyo X done and in the books!

    How are you all doing? Get your workout in? If not yet, what time did you pencil it in on your schedule? Plan it and do it! Don't skip it!
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    ok, still on track!

    I did P90X, arms and shoulders from my boat. Talk about getting a workout in with no space!

    The next day, I did a ton of swimming. should have done yoga, but will live with swimming with my hubby and dog.

    Today did legs and back! Getting better on those pull-ups!
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