Learning to Jog

brebe86 Posts: 18 Member
I'm a big girl, currently 244 lbs and I've been big my whole life. I've done a few 5K's, but never jogged the entire thing. I've got a goal in my head to be able to jog nonstop for a 5K in 2013. I get myself psyched up for it, but then get out to walk the dog and just can't do it. I feel so awkward. It feels like my body is everywhere and it can even hurt if I jog too long. It takes a lot to get this big body moving and sometimes that's overwhelming! I think it's more of a mental battle than anything, but I just cannot get myself to get started. If I do, I jog for maybe 30 seconds and stop.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get started? And keep going?

Has anyone else been there and have encouragement?


  • Razzlebari
    Razzlebari Posts: 29 Member
    Hi friend! I would recommend checking out those Couch 2 5K programs. They start you off with jogging a given amount of time, then walking, then jogging. At the beginning, it seems easy-peasy (jogging for a minute, say, and walking for two). You slowly build up to jogging 15 minutes, walking one or two, jogging another 15... and then, all of the sudden, you realize you don't need that break in the middle! It took me a few months, and now I'm running 8 miles and working towards a half marathon!

    You can do it! The toughest part of every run - even my long runs - is the first mile. EACH run, my brain is going, "Maybe we'll cut this one a little shorter, this is hard, yadda yadda yadda" but if you stick through that first mile, the rest is a breeze.

    Have fun!
  • mzione904
    mzione904 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes I've been there and you can totally do it! If you have a smartphone or Iphone, I recommend downloading the Couch to 5k program. I have the free version but there are more advanced programs that you can pay for. They all do the same but the paid version have no ads and more bells/whistles. The program is literally designed to get you from the couch to doing a 5k in about 9 weeks. For example, you might walk for 5 minutes then jog for 60 seconds.

    I started Couch to 5K when i started my weight loss journey at 230 lbs and it's been great. It will feel awkward at first but over time, you'll start to feel very proud of what you're accomplishing. Good luck to you!
  • sigalsirkin
    sigalsirkin Posts: 59 Member
    Join the running room, learn to run clinic. It is great.
  • bethanylerew
    bethanylerew Posts: 16 Member
    My only suggestion would be to get out and do it. There are a few programs, like couch to 5k that gradually lead up to a full 5k, which I think would be to your benefit. I'm not able to run or jog a full 5k, but i've started this program and it's definitely brought up my stamina and my abilty to jog a lot longer than which I started.

    Best of luck to you and if you're ever searching for motivation, check out theberry.com. they have a daily motivation page about eating better, exercise ideas and general pick me up photos that help SO MUCH! :smile:
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    Hey girl! I'm a big girl too and really want to master this running thing. I decided to down load a C25K app last night! I did my first day today. :)

    I know you can do it with some help and guidance!!

    I downloaded the AccuTrainer last night, but ditch it b/c it wouldn't chime in and let me know when to walk/jog.

    I just downloaded the AchieveMint C25K app today.

    If you want to be running buddies to help each other through the app, add me!
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    C25k....it's awesome. I started out in Feb at 204 and today I'm at 177. I am on week 5 of my c25k program...it's an app I run on my phone (android for me and I use RunDouble...but there are others and also ones for iPhones). I can't see it not being a great starting point. You mix running and walking and build up endurance. If you are worried about "being able to do it" you walk when you have to and repeat days or weeks until you are ready. There is a group for c25k on here you can join and get help and advice.

    Feel free to FR me....I'm happy to help if I can....even if just by encouragement :) I started running, I am overweight, I am losing and if I can do it then anyone can :) It feels great each time I achieve one of my days :)
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    Hello :)

    Jogging was something that I never thought I would do and actually enjoy, but I do now! I'll share with you my story.

    I started jogging at 190 (my starting weight was 222). At that time, I could only jog for MAYBE 1/4 mile without having to stop. So, that was my starting point, 1/4 mile. I did that every night, only skipping a day when I felt some pain since I didn't want to push myself and end up having to stop for longer. On those days when I felt motivated, I pushed myself. Once I reached a new mark, 1/2, 3/4,1,2 miles, etc...I would keep on going with that until I was ready to move on. Your endurance will build gradually and it will become easier. Just start slow and small and work your way up. Don't push through pain though, that will only make your exercising come to a hault for longer than you would want.

    Also, go SLOW at first. I started with 12min miles and now I"m at 10, it's not super fast, but I'd rather go for distance than speed.

    Good luck!
  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    I agree with the others with downloading a C25K program. I am a big girl as well, and I have always found it awkward to jog. I have been at the program for 2 nearly 2 months. I am taking my time with it so I do not injure myself, so I am still only on week 3. It is a great tool to build endurance and get you running. It just takes time. Do not try to go to fast, or rush progress. You're going to want to do it right.
    Feel free to add me if you like. I would love to give you any tips or motivation you may need to push you along :flowerforyou:
  • Jarredgautreaux
    Jarredgautreaux Posts: 14 Member
    From my own experience with jogging

    Start out walking, when I decided to start jogging I started with just walking for 30-45 minutes a day for the first week and a half.
    Once I was ready to try jogging I always warmed up with a 10-15 minute walk.
    I was only able to jog a minute or two at first then I would just walk a bit and try to job some more for a total of 30-45 mins
    As the days went by I would push myself to go a little further each time, and last week I made the 5 mile mark  Yes 5 miles.
    I only jog 3 times a week just like any other exercise your body needs to recover.

    Bottom line is it will take time

    One of the best quotes I read about running is “your mind gives up before your body does”

    Good luck

    Just a little background on me I started my life style change on Feb 25 2013 I was weighing 261 lbs when I start walking/jogging
    I did the 5 mile jog on 5-15-2013
  • HapThompson
    HapThompson Posts: 48 Member
    I'm on week 4 of C25K and I think it's a good program. I was a bit worried about this week because you go from running 3 mins walking 3 mins in week three to running 5mins walking 2.5 mins in week 4 but it was totally doable. I'm amazed at how much progress i've made in just a few weeks.
  • danilynn2
    danilynn2 Posts: 47 Member
    I have only been working on my running for a bout a month. I used to be the "I only run if someone is chasing me" type of girl. LOL

    I walk/run almost 2.91 (it is the path I use) 2-3 times a week.

    I started out warming up, running when I felt I had warmed up walking enough. I would run until I felt I needed a walking break. I used this method the entire 2.91 miles.

    I am just now getting to the point where I run about 1.5 miles and walk the rest of it...broken up of course throughout the path.

    The best advice I was given was to make sure you are doing active stretching (no dynamic stretches until the end of your walk/run) and a walking warm up before running.

    Good luck! If you would like to send a FR, we can encourage each other along the way. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    I have totally been there with you. still am.. I am 235 and am in week 2 of my C25k training. its hard work, but what I like about the program is that it starts you off slow and then works you up to your 5k in nine weeks..
    I am not the greatest runner, I tend to tense up and forget to breathe, so that makes it harder on myself. Tyring to learn to relax a little this week. But I hear you in the paid department as well. today I tried doing week 2 day 2 and my shins and knees were just not having it, It also did not help that I was in a funk during my workout so i was not feeling it anyways. So I quit 7 minutes in..
    Tomorrow is another day for me, and I will accomplish and master day 2 tomorrow.

    Just remember to keep your head up, dont be hard on yourself it you cannot do it one day, or if you feel you are not going fast enough or just not ready to move on to the next week.. Go at your pace and give yourself a goal..

    Feel free to send me a friend request and we can support each other !