Do You Weigh Yourself?



  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    I weigh and take a resting heart rate every day. Measure once a week.

    But, that's just me. I love data points to play with. I tend to lose focus on my goals if I don't see that data coming in.
  • SKAVY7178
    SKAVY7178 Posts: 165 Member
    i usually weigh myself once a week, but lately have been weighing once in 2/3 days (which is bad) but just to record the my case I have to weigh 'cos I have to make sure that my BMI goes below 30 before Oct 2013 :)
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I donate plasma twice a week and they weigh you each time. On Thursdays it is in the afternoon after work, so I don't really pay attention. Saturday mornings I get up first thing and go donate so my day isn't ruined and that is the one I use to check in, but I only do that every other week. It is nice to see on Thursday afternoon if there has been a change, but if I've had a particularly big lunch or very many snacks it can throw off the measurement a bit. It's also nice to see my blood pressure, pulse, protein and iron levels on a regular basis. It makes me feel even better about the work I've done.
  • alfmaster
    alfmaster Posts: 29
    I weigh myself every morning Monday through Friday at the same time, the same way. This way, I have an accurate comparison. I specifically use the Tuesday weight as my weekly weigh in number. The only other time I may weigh myself is occasionally before and after a run to see how much water weight I am losing to ensure that I intake the appropriate amount of fluids.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I weigh myself and log it every single day whether it's up or down. It's helped me see the regular fluctuations that occur every day and by accepting this the 'gains' don't bother anymore. In fact I'm up 2.5lbs this morning from this weekend and I'm ok with it. I know I've eaten within my calories and I'm working out regularily.

    I've learned as long as I'm honest with myself, the scale will continue to go down regardless of the day to day fluctuations.
  • LynxDragon
    LynxDragon Posts: 5
    I weight myself every morning. I add up my weight for the week and divide by 7. The average usually shows a slow loss. On a daily basis my weight can fluctuate up to 2 kg. I'll add measurements when I can get a tape measure around me.