Hey everyone. I don't have many friends on here to help keep me motivated. My family and friends dont really help much either. I could really use some friends on here or if anyone needs a workout partner. Anything really. I have 60 more pounds to lose. :smile: help


  • You can add me! I have just started adding people on here but I already feel like the online support is helping me stay motivated.
  • LaceyAnderson
    LaceyAnderson Posts: 17 Member
    You can add me!
  • LetsGetSkinny101
    LetsGetSkinny101 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I just started on here, I have 60 pound to lose as well. Feel free to add me..
  • kenziberry
    kenziberry Posts: 164 Member
    feel free to add me if you like.......i started at 210 and now i am down to 160........still have 20-30 more lbs to go
    but i log in quite reguraly and i am always interested in seeing what works for others on this site!
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    You and anyone can add me! I enjoy reading peoples results and activities and yelling and stuff.
  • You can add me too!
  • Elchicano76
    Elchicano76 Posts: 41
    Add me as well. I'm getting back into My Fitness Pal. Lost 20lbs using it a year ago but have since stopped and put on 7 :( Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • 866627
    866627 Posts: 1
    Hi i need all the help i can get ,I dont get on the computer much, Iam not good at it at all but i will try,I dont even know how to add you so i will have to play.with this,but like you freinds and family are'nt much help with motivation and Iam having a hard time getting started i need to lose 100 lbs.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    Go ahead and add me ill help to the best of my abilities! :D
  • Hi Im a 37 year old Mother of 4 and I am a Thyroid cancer survivor, every since they removed my thyroid I have been just packing on the pounds, I have gained easily 80 lbs in two years, Ive tried everything to loose weight even weight Watchers only to just gain more..Im getting so frusterated and my only option is surgery and I not only cant aford it I really dont want to have to go through all that..Please help me in any way that you can!!!!! menues would be nice I have a hard time with that!!