What am I doing wrong??


I am a 5'3" tall lady who weighs 140#'s. I carry an average of 30% body fat. I would like to get down to about 25% body fat. I am not concerned with loosing weight only body fat. I am currently working out 6 days a week alternating between Jillian Micheal's, Chris Frytag & Brazil booty lift. I am for the most part keeping my calorie intake at 1,370 cals a day using the myfitnesspal app. I have a tendency to go over on my sugar intake due to the sugar content in the food I eat and not from eating sweets themselves. I work at a desk all day and try to get up as much as possible. When I get home i stay active until 8 or 9 pm and usually burn about 600 cals during my workouts. So long story short...lol. My question is this: What am i doing wrong? I can't seem to get my body fat percentage to move. Am I missing something? Am I starving my self? I am not hungry and sometimes consuming 1,370 cals over fills me. Any suggestions?


  • Heather_MXP
    Heather_MXP Posts: 48 Member
    It might be the sugar content of your diet.
  • AngieVane
    AngieVane Posts: 16
    Maybe you're not doing anything wrong :) reducing bf isn't that easy, actually it's not easy at all lol
    How long have you been working out?
    What is protein-carb-fat ratio in your diet?
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I would add or switch out some of your exercise for dedicated weight lifting- the more muscle you have the more fat you burn. Hit the weights and work up to lifting heavy. It's not going to make you big or bulky but it will help you drop body fat.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    At 5'3 and 140 lbs. you should be getting at least 104 grams of lean protein a day. Add some light weight lifting to increase muscle mass and you should be burning fat. Also you will need 70 oz of water per day. More when you exercise. Can't comment on intake as your diary isn't shared.
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    At 5'3 and 140 lbs. you should be getting at least 104 grams of lean protein a day. Add some light weight lifting to increase muscle mass and you should be burning fat. Also you will need 70 oz of water per day. More when you exercise. Can't comment on intake as your diary isn't shared.

    I agree with the protein bit, the light weight lifting I find a bit vague? Do you mean light in weight, light in effort, light in frequency? I found the only way I built muscle was by eating a crap ton of protein and by lifting heavy *kitten* **** a lot.

    OP, I would say your calories are a bit on the low side taking into account what you burn through exercise. Try eating more, work out your TDEE and reduce around 20% from it. Your fat loss should decrease slowly. I found personally, the less sugar and alcohol I have in my diet I lose fat easier. Not saying this is the case for everyone though, just found it helped me to start losing BF again. Good luck.
  • ms2086
    ms2086 Posts: 1
    I am having the same kind of issue re: diet and keeping the sugars down. Any suggestions on how to minimize sugar intake?
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member

    I agree with the protein bit, the light weight lifting I find a bit vague? Do you mean light in weight, light in effort, light in frequency? I found the only way I built muscle was by eating a crap ton of protein and by lifting heavy *kitten* **** a lot.

    I meant to be a little vague on the weight training. Without knowing if she has lifted before (light, heavy or even) I didn't want to advise 10 reps., 3 sets @ 60% ORM right off. Start light in weight, intensity and frequency to learn proper form and avoid injury then move up from there. Sorry for the confusion.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    How are you measuring bf, how long have you been doing the diet+exercise plan, and what makes you think your approach isn't working?
  • latindian
    latindian Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all the questions!

    I have been working out for the past year regularly; but have maintained my fitness for the last 4 years. Mostly circuit training with 5-10 # weights depending on the body part worked. Not a fan of cardio but I'm currently getting in at least 4, 30 minute sessions a week.

    I did find out that my last heart rate monitor was severely off and I was only burning half the calories I thought I was. I measure my body fat by a scale that sends the electronic currents through the body.

    I tend to go over the protein goal set by my myfitnesspal by no more than 10 grams and also come under on my carbs intake by anywhere from 30-100 grams. I was a big time coffee drinker and have since cut back to only one cup a day. The only dairy I get is from my lunch at 2 slices of cheese.

    My problem area is my tummy, I have great abs built up underneath 2 inches of baby fat. (I know this cause I can see the definition when I work out :) ) Any help is greatly appreciated!