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Do I or don't I

I'm one of those people that weighs every day. I've got 3.5 lbs to go to meet my next goal of 135 by August 25th...I'm kind of obsessing over it. I'm considering not weighing again until the 25th and just intensely focusing on exercising and eating right. What would you do?


  • I can't skip the scale. It's an addiction. While only one weigh in a week counts for me, I still have to get on the scale every day. LOL
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I agree with Michaela, I weigh in everyday but only track it once a week. It helps me know the flucauations in my weight! It's probably an addiction....
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    I weigh myself everyday too. A couple of weeks ago I decided to test out not weighing myself for a whole week to see it I preferred it. I put on 2 lb :frown: I think it was the fact that seeing my weight and if it goes up or down on a daily basis is really motivating to me and without that knowledge my eating increased as I thought I was probably still at the same weight.

    My take on it would be to keep weighing every day, but it really is a personal choice and I can only tell you my experience of it.

    Hope it helped :smile:
  • Weighing everyday isn't a big issue if you don't freak out over every little up and down. It can kill your motivation. If you are going to weigh every day, do it in the morning right after you get out of bed before breakfast. Make it the first thing you do. Its the only time of day that will incredibly consistent. Why? Because you've spent the past 6-8 hours sleeping and it'll be that way everyday. Other times of the day there are too many factors that will influence your weight; what you ate, what you drank, your exercise that day, etc.

    Try not to be too upset if you go up a few tenths of a pound or even a full pound day to day. It will even itself out in the week if you're sticking to your goals. Good luck!'

  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I don't weigh every day and sometimes I don't weigh but once a week. I hear, and believe, that your weight can fluctuate too much each day due to water, a meal, etc. I believe also, my scales aren't quite accurate. I trust more in my measuring tape. I know without a doubt I have lost inches and haven't gotten them back. If I weigh one day, I can weight less and the next have gained a pound when I know that is impossible as it takes over 3000 pounds to gain a "true" pound. At least that is what I've read.

    Also if I get too into my perfectionist thing, I make myself miserable worrying so I just eat, go for a walk, and take care of daily things. My weight is steadily moving down since I started on 6/14. I don't buy junk so I don't have it to eat. I try to get in my water and I try to come close to my calorie goal each day. If you look at my profile/diary, you will see how imperfect I am but I am losing;)

    hang in there, we will both make it;) Denise:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: PS I had to break out my smaller jeans yesterday:bigsmile:
  • I too weigh everyday and I chart it every day.....I only "officially" weigh once a week but it helps me feel in control when I look every day at my progress.....sometimes up and sometimes down, but when I compare it to my food diary and exercise chart at home I get a VERY accurate picture of what works for me and what to avoid.....that being said...there is NO WAY I could stay off the scale for 3 weeks...LOL
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    ditto, good stuff:) Breakfast = "break fast". I heard that years ago and how true. We fast all night and morning is a great time to weigh;) denise
    Weighing everyday isn't a big issue if you don't freak out over every little up and down. It can kill your motivation. If you are going to weigh every day, do it in the morning right after you get out of bed before breakfast. Make it the first thing you do. Its the only time of day that will incredibly consistent. Why? Because you've spent the past 6-8 hours sleeping and it'll be that way everyday. Other times of the day there are too many factors that will influence your weight; what you ate, what you drank, your exercise that day, etc.

    Try not to be too upset if you go up a few tenths of a pound or even a full pound day to day. It will even itself out in the week if you're sticking to your goals. Good luck!'

  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Honestly, I would still weigh myself everyday. Like the others have said, it is an addiction. I just have to know. And if the number is up more than I want it to be, then it motivates me to exercise more and pass down the cookie that my co-worker may offer me at work. But do whatever feels right for you. I definitely don't judge you for weighing yourself every day!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Are you sure you would even be able to hold off? That's almost 3 weeks away and for someone who is used to weighing in every day that might just torture you even more. I don't have the right answer, you need to figure that out for yourself. I personally don't like the scale, so I only weigh in once a week or even less frequent than that. It frustrates me too much to see the ups and downs so often, I'd rather just wait a while until I have a for sure weight loss that I'm willing to record. And the thing of it is, I'm going to do exactly what I'm supposed to be doing to be healthy no matter what the scale says. Every day is a steady balance of proper nutrition and every week is a balance of cardio and strength training...no matter what the scale says. I can't allow the scale to alter my mood or frame of mind, I can't allow a gain on the scale to make me feel like I need to be punished and I can't allow a loss to give me free range to eat unhealthy or skip exercise. I just gotta keep doing what I'm doing to get healthy no matter what the scale says.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I was wondering the same thing. I am not close to goal like you but I'm close to getting to being out of "obese" and into just overweight. Even though I have a lot to go this is huge to me. I was thinking if I skip weighing for a month or so it would be nice to see a bigger weight loss all at once instead of looking all the time to see if I've gotten off these 3-5 pounds.
    Having said that I will probably not be able to resist looking at the scale.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm pretty good to not let the daily ups and downs get me emotionally and I always weigh first thing in the morning. I'm not sure I could wait three weeks but like khk said it would be nice to see one big loss instead of .25 here and .5 there. Which I know, I know a loss is better than a gain any day.
  • I would continue to weigh every day. I weigh every day myself. Actually, I weigh myself every time I find myself near the scale. Like you, I'm very close to a goal (although I don't have a particular date set for this goal). I have already weighed myself twice today, and I've only been up about 30 minutes. :)

    Good luck hitting your goal! You can do it!!
  • I've got a bad habit of weighing myself every day, sometimes multiple times a day. It can get me angry if the scale is showing a gain- but it just angers me and makes me work harder. It's not a discouragement for me. If you can do weigh in every day nad not be discouraged- go for it! It may give you an idea of if you need to step it up, or not.
  • I like to weigh every day. As well as i track it mostly every day. It just shows daily progress and for me if its up a little ill wanna hit the gym harder. Also when i feel like im about to have a melt down i'll go weigh and tell myself i dont wanna mess that up!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I'm the odd one here and I just weigh once a week. I don't wanna obsess about the day to day fluctuations.
  • olivia39
    olivia39 Posts: 14
    I did weigh myself everyday before but It only upsets me. I was advice to do the weighing once a week that way it will be an accurate basis to my improvements.
  • oceans
    oceans Posts: 8 Member
    I can't help it - I weigh every morning - sometimes even at night. If I'm the same weight or lighter at night than I was that morning - then I know for sure - the next morning's weigh in is gonna be good!!!!!!!!! It's usually 1-2 pounds lighter than the night time weighing. Yes, I know, the majority of "professional' frown on this. But - it keeps me on track. Down 20 lbs and have gone from size 10/12 to 6/8 since 3 March.