How do you control what you eat?

cparter Posts: 754 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Me and speaking only of me it comes in the following key points.

1. Focus - always the leading factor
2. Inspiration - I know I did not like the me I was so I inspire to be healthier and someone I can live with.
3. Emotions - I get psyched and overjoyed when I see the results through my hard work and wise food choice.
4. Reflecting - Now that I have gotten past the bad food choices I can not see me going back because I am use to eating right and eating bad foods just would not taste the same.
5. Courage - to realize in the beginning things would not be perfect but this whole journey is about re-education.
6. Friends - Enjoy sharing my experience, learning from my friends and passing on advice to help others achieve.
7. Family - Could have been closer to the top of the list but too lazy to erase and replace. I want to run with my kids and puppy. I want to see grand kids one day and I know the way my health was going and living of meds that day may not come.
8. God - Really this is number one on my list so slap me on my hands for getting distracted. My body is His temple so it is time to clean house.
9. For all of you - The better I become at this, the more I achieve and the harder I work at doing the "right" thing the more I am able to inspire by example.
10. I have no secrets. My diary and life is an open book that anyone can read. Secrets is what makes us fail at our journey to attain a healthier life style.
11. Being honest - Honest with myself when it comes to food. I know when something is not right for me so why should I allow myself to fall back into that trap and revisit those types of foods.
12. Control - See being honest

Enjoy this journey and learn. Take control and stay focused.


  • Briannah
    Briannah Posts: 50
    great list!

    For me it is no. 8 and no.9 :) My husband seems to be oblivious to weight gain or loss... so It really has to do with achieving my goals and the fact that my life is not wasted if I please God..
  • rolyprince
    rolyprince Posts: 49 Member
    What a great list!! So true.

    Number 4 for me rings true. This weekend I relented and had fried chicken & fries and afterwards I felt so bloated. My stomach just felt rubbish. And I thought 'Blimey I used to eat this stuff all the time.' I just didn't notice how bad it was for my body. Do now though.

    I'm gonna keep this list close and when I'm having 'harder' days one look at this will make me realise why I'm doing this and get me back on track again.

  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    I am glad the list was able to help some of you. Keep pressing on and I am here for you as well as I am comfortable in knowing you all are here for me as well.
  • marlenia
    marlenia Posts: 33
    :happy: Thanks so much for this list!!! I appreciate you putting your soul out there for the entire world to see. It is nice to see other Christians unashamedly too. Your posts are always so positive and uplifting. Thanks again.
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    for me deciding on my meals as a challenge
    i love the challenge of eating something i really enjoy each day while staying within my calories
    so i make them as colorful tasty and interesting as i can... and even with salads i add the teeniest little drips of wonderful
    dressings that i can find in the shops or prepare ... then i feel like i am having a treat! for me its the feeling of nourishment not punishment.. that is getting me through...
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Great list! I too will keep this on hand for inspritation/motivation. Thanks so much for sharing
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Bumped up as a reminder to all.
  • through all of this - no. 8

    this body, this temple is HIS

    i strive to GLORIFY my creator, as i am made in HIS image and put here to represent!
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    through all of this - no. 8

    this body, this temple is HIS

    i strive to GLORIFY my creator, as i am made in HIS image and put here to represent!
    Amen, so good to see other Christians with the right values and focus on here. Our body is His temple and how can we move forward if we do not take care of it and keep it clean. I am damaged His temple far too long so now I am getting His house in order.
  • WOW!! What a great list....I can relate to everything you posted. Thanks for doing this and helping to keep all of us motivated. You rock! :)
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    WOW!! What a great list....I can relate to everything you posted. Thanks for doing this and helping to keep all of us motivated. You rock! :)
    You are welcome and may God continue to bless you and your family.
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