Anyone doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution?

Hi everyone!

I should've started this a week ago but thought it might be great to get a bunch of people to discuss this program.

I just started Week 3/Workout 3 tonight. It was a bear but I loved it! I'm not seeing much of a difference yet, but i absolutely love the way I feel. I have (or would like to lose about 15 lbs)

Anyone want to join me on my journey?? :)



  • baytreemc
    baytreemc Posts: 4 Member
    I added you....I'm just on Week 2, but would love some friends going through the same thing! Did you do the Kickstart plan on Week 1?
  • Donna_DiGiacomo80
    Donna_DiGiacomo80 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there!

    Looks like it's just me and you!

    How are you liking JMBR?

    This is my 3rd week and workouts 3 and 4 are way harder! (but awesome!)
    The thing is, i am gaining weight. :/ (ugh!)

    What is your experience so far?? I'm dying to go through this with someone! glad you're here!
  • Donna_DiGiacomo80
    Donna_DiGiacomo80 Posts: 24 Member
    PS- no i did not do the kickstart week.
    But, I've been doubling up on workouts on some days.

    I will do what is required plus a cardio disc, Like JM Fat Blast. I was getting kind of tired of Cardio 1. :)
  • lrichelle
    lrichelle Posts: 54 Member
    I just started Week 9, it's a great program so far. I need to take my measurements to see how many inches I've lost. I don't do the cardio, I'm a runner so use that as my cardio.
  • Donna_DiGiacomo80
    Donna_DiGiacomo80 Posts: 24 Member
    that's great!
  • radiotrash
    radiotrash Posts: 22 Member
    I started it this week but day one double up knocked me flat oof. So I might or might not redo week one next week since I missed two days. Or I might just do Thurs-Sun this week and double up on cardio some days to kinda make up for time lost.

    There's actually a group called Jillian Michaels Body Revolution 2013 if you're looking for more people as there are weekly discussions in there. :)
  • lahalab
    lahalab Posts: 41 Member
    i'm on W1 D4, i feeeeel so's crazy....i wonder how would i feel in week 3 and 4!!!!!!!
  • Donna_DiGiacomo80
    Donna_DiGiacomo80 Posts: 24 Member
    Oh I would love the link to the other group as well! thanks!
  • Donna_DiGiacomo80
    Donna_DiGiacomo80 Posts: 24 Member
    i'm on W1 D4, i feeeeel so's crazy....i wonder how would i feel in week 3 and 4!!!!!!!

    This is Week 3, Day 4 for me, and I can report that I'm just as sore, but it feels great! the next couple of workouts are much more challenging in my opinion, i'm dying to see how the next two are! Keep me posted on your progress! :)
  • lynnie_6084
    lynnie_6084 Posts: 7 Member
    I started it again last night... got through Phase I the last time I did it and then started taking a 4 month class with my sister which ended last week so now I have the time (and no more excuses) and I'm recommitting myself to BR and eating healthy. I could defnatley see a difference when I did it before I was starting to see more definition in my muscles and was starting to feel stronger. I am so sore today I wish there was a way to minimize the soreness, but I guess it will get better the more I exercise.
  • lroxey
    lroxey Posts: 32 Member
    Today was my first day!!!!!!! I'm game if she doesn't kill me.
  • mannderrss
    mannderrss Posts: 4
    im starting today!!! wish me luck! and hopefully ur doing awesome!!
  • tcs1231
    tcs1231 Posts: 2 Member
    hey all! I am starting Body Revolution tomorrow. Im nervous!!
  • CAS317
    CAS317 Posts: 267 Member
    I just started on Monday. So today will be my 4th workout of the week. I wasn't too fond of the cardio!!! But I will keep at it:) Anybody in this discussion can add me if you would like to!
  • Devchonka
    Devchonka Posts: 3 Member
    I just finished my week 1 and on my 2nd week
    I have gained 2 pounds , but lost an inch around my waist and hips
    Good luck everyone. Looking forward to weeks 3-4 and to building muscle
    My stats : current weight 147 (started at 145). Height 5.6
  • gfit123
    gfit123 Posts: 36 Member
    I`m on week 3, day 16 and feeling great, despite the intensity of workouts 3 and 4.
  • joslin2005
    joslin2005 Posts: 138
    I started it Monday.
  • LindsayLL30
    LindsayLL30 Posts: 154 Member
    I started it a few days ago as well.... I am soooo sore I'm not sure if I can mange tonight... Has everyone else just worked through the pain?
  • jaceedk
    jaceedk Posts: 3
    I am on week 2, workout 2....I love the program because I can find 30 minutes even with 2 jobs and with a five year old and a 6 month old