Max Insanity how deep can you dig

Wow Just started the first week of max insanity and i'm giving it my all but wow this is intense. Im burning around 630 HRM calories. I'm going to have to dig so deep to get through these next 4 weeks. My body is so tired after the first 20-25 mins i feel I cant give 100 percent for the last half. Any tips on digging deeper to finish I cant quit now.


  • jabrock9
    jabrock9 Posts: 65
    Hey Bob! I don't know if this will suit your needs, but these are the things I did. Except for the last 10 days of the program, I only did Insanity 4 times a week and did a different workout the other days to give my body a rest. I usually did cardio and weights, Turbofire, something. Make sure you're eating enough and enough protein as well. I typically had at least 140 to 150 grams of protein and I was eating around 2000 total. I like to do a pre wrokout as well, gives me a kick in the pants. Drink your water too. I hope this helps.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Just do what you can and when it gets too intense, just continue to move; drop in a plank, do standard pushups.... just give it your all! You will see results! Make sure diet is in check and fuel properly. I completed Insanity on May 12!

    Dig deep! You've got this!
  • manique45
    manique45 Posts: 99 Member
    I use workout enhancers like c-4 or Jack 3D They give me the extra kick in the pants I need to keep the endurance and speed :o) if you try C-4 I order mine through its 39.99 and gives you twice as much as buying it at GNC for the same price!
  • Beccalizz1
    Beccalizz1 Posts: 34 Member
    I have to say you are scaring me a bit. LOL I am on week 4 and it is hard now. I can't imagine what happens when I get to the max workouts. Hang in there, modify a little if you need to.
  • futureRD12
    futureRD12 Posts: 2
    Whatever you do, don't take Jack 3D it is pretty much like cocaine in a supplement form. It has killed many. The FDA hasn't regulated yet. I just graduated with my BS in Nutrition and Dietetics, so I'm not just some crazy person on the internet.
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    Wow Just started the first week of max insanity and i'm giving it my all but wow this is intense. Im burning around 630 HRM calories. I'm going to have to dig so deep to get through these next 4 weeks. My body is so tired after the first 20-25 mins i feel I cant give 100 percent for the last half. Any tips on digging deeper to finish I cant quit now.

    My advice is -- remember that the coach is just a picture on the TV. They can't really see what you're doing. If the workout is too intense for you, you can put the DVD on pause, take a break, or even decide the program isn't for you and try a different program instead. .
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    My advice is -- remember that the coach is just a picture on the TV. They can't really see what you're doing. If the workout is too intense for you, you can put the DVD on pause, take a break, or even decide the program isn't for you and try a different program instead. .

    In other words, try joining crossfit instead. that's what you're saying, right jane?
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    DavPul, stop stalking my posts, or I will report you! Crossfit is an overpriced exercise cult!
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I hated the first week of 2nd month.. Max plyo is just plain evil but by the second week I got better and stronger and saw major progress by the end of the 2nd week month 2..

    I finish this Saturday so I know exactly where you are.. just do what you can.. you aren't expected to keep up with them...Not on your first round anyways..
  • walleyebob977
    walleyebob977 Posts: 201 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice.