Question about calories minus exercise

I'm curious. I take in 1400ish calories a day. I'm allowed much more than that, but that's a personal goal. Now, when I exercise it says I'm allowed x more calories. Say I'm taking in the 1400 and exercise 500 calories a day. That means my total calorie intake would be 900 for the day. Is that bad for me? Should I aim to make it 1200 a day? How does that work?


  • Kathy_TheVampireSlayer
    Kathy_TheVampireSlayer Posts: 189 Member
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    You are about to get a lot of responses about a lot of things...the short anser is no, it's not should probably be eating back those calories. I've heard if you don't eat enough your body won't lose the weight because it holds onto every last calorie. I have literally no research or data to back this up though.

    There was a great post about this that some other amazing person will put up...hopefully...but basically your body needs that 1400 calories to function so starving yourself won't make you lose any faster and could be counter-productive. Even if you do have a lot of excess weight/fat, your body might hold onto that because it thinks you're not getting enough food.

    How tall are you? I'm 6' and 2000 cals/day is enough for me to lose a pound a week so 1400 might even be low for you.
  • Trusten83
    Trusten83 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 6"2'
    333 lbs
    30 years old

    Thanks for your advice. I think your lack of data backs up your views. I've been doing cardio and eating the 1400ish a day. Thus far I've lost 21 lbs over 2 weeks. I think that has a lot to do with cutting out all sweet stuff and sodas.

    The problem I run into with food is the sodium. Even with things I make, I find sodium to be an issue. With school/work it's hard to eat something homemade all the time.

    EDIT for sodium
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    Yeah I'd say eat them back. My general rule is "When hungry, drink water and eat slowly."

    This post should help:

    It explained things better than I could.

    Also I don't worry about sodium. I track it and sugar but they both go through the roof when I eat a bunch of fruit or a frozen meal. The biggest thing is to drink water. A lot. All the time. Even now. Right now. I'm going to get some water....

    Mmmmm that was good. Anyway water will help you flush out fat you're burning and counteract the sodium. You might get a little bloated but as long you feel fine don't fret when you go over. I think I go over literally every day and I'm still losing.
  • Trusten83
    Trusten83 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for the advice brotha. I drink a lot of water. I don't always track with with MFP, but I drink it non stop everyday.

    Again, thanks for the advice.

    Keep on rockin'!
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    You too buddy, sounds like you're off to a great start. Keep at it!
  • crazy4fids
    crazy4fids Posts: 173
    Yeah I'd say eat them back. My general rule is "When hungry, drink water and eat slowly."

    This post should help:

    It explained things better than I could.

    Also I don't worry about sodium. I track it and sugar but they both go through the roof when I eat a bunch of fruit or a frozen meal. The biggest thing is to drink water. A lot. All the time. Even now. Right now. I'm going to get some water....

    Mmmmm that was good. Anyway water will help you flush out fat you're burning and counteract the sodium. You might get a little bloated but as long you feel fine don't fret when you go over. I think I go over literally every day and I'm still losing.

    What ^^^^^^he said!
  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    I am a girl but here is my two cents.

    You need to eat enough to fuel your body. If you are tired, cranky, dizzy, or bruising easily, your not eating enough. If you are feeling energized and happy, your fine.

    I started at 305.8. My starting calorie goal was 1580 and eating any exercise calories back. That was my goal. However, I felt like I was going to puke. I overhauled my diet, cutting out anything I didn't make myself and all soda and went to a clean diet. I went from getting very little protein in a day to getting 25%. I was always full and always too full. Eating 1580 was really hard.

    Now I have lost 48 pounds, and I eat between 1310 and 1850 a day. If I sit on my butt all day I eat 1310. (doctors advice) and If I exercise I eat back everything. I get dizzy, light headed, nauseous, cranky, and tired, and all that if I don't eat enough. So I monitor how I am feeling and eat calories based on that. Some days I eat under 1310 and feel great other days I need all 1850 to not be exhausted.

    My advice is to 1. Listen to your body and 2. If you feel like you need more advice seek a professional's opinion.
  • crazy4fids
    crazy4fids Posts: 173
    The biggest thing is to drink water. A lot. All the time. Even now. Right now. I'm going to get some water....

    Mmmmm that was good.

    Lol...........funny guy!
  • cieralea7
    cieralea7 Posts: 15 Member
    Two things I'd like to add!!!!! :) Firstly congrats on the weight loss so far, keep it up! Secondly it is likely that you may hit a plateau due to very quickly weight loss-maybe soon, maybe later. If this is the case you may want to especially eat back your exercise calories at this that time........ The reason being, once you body reaches a stalemate something has to give. Instead of adding extra cardio or cutting more calories, eat back more of your exercises calories; once extra fat stores have been lost and your body can no longer break down fat tissue as easily your body can then revert to fat storing mode if you arent taking in enough calories. Even though your caloric goal hasn't changed, the way your body burns energy has--> more muscle = increased burn, ect. Just a thought to keep in mind.

    Hope this makes sense and is helpful.
  • Trusten83
    Trusten83 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for all the input guys!

    I'm always happy and energetic. But that's my personality. Rarely do I feel down in the dumps. I actually feel like going to the gym more than I do. :O

    I'll keep all the advice in mind. You're all great!

    Excellent work Light, keep it up!

    Ciera, your advice makes a lot of sense. One you level out, something has to break. Help it break then get back on the road. I understand. :D