How to stop emotional eating

Anyone any ideas whem im sad first thing eat and eat and eat I just wanna stop that man is not worth my weight gain but I dont no what else to do :/


  • cinnerrela
    cinnerrela Posts: 5
    It's hard to break away from that instinct, it's the first thing we're taught as children. We cry, we're fed. We're sad, we're given a cookie. No wonder we're in the place that we are now.

    The simplest advice I can give to you: Every time you go to eat something, make it a habit to ask yourself what emotion you are feeling. If it's anything negative, DON'T EAT YET. Do something to boost your mood. Go for a walk, hit a pillow, anything healthy to flush out the negativity. When you feel a little better, decide if you're actually hungry, or if the feeling was just a product of negative feelings. If you're not hungry, don't eat. If you are hungry, eat. Soon you'll get better at avoiding emotional eating habits, and pounds will come off just because of that. We've all been there at some point. You can do it. =)

    Add me if you like, sounds like we're in a similar boat.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Work to accept the truth that while you can't control others behavior or be responsible for it; you CAN control your reaction to it. This has to do with your whole mindset rather than any specific incident.
  • dayr1993
    dayr1993 Posts: 102 Member
    Yeah this is true I think my body tricks me into being hungry then from being down I eat I must admit last nigjt wasmt too bad endedup snacking on just too few many cereal bars but theres worse things to snack on goimg to gym today to work them off though :) thanks for the support :D
  • Jackieboykin
    Jackieboykin Posts: 5 Member
    I eat because I just don't like myself - so since I've started here - only one week in - I'm trying to ask myself why I'm eating - and then focus on the people who really care about me just as I am - it's a tough road but that might help. You know there are people who love you, think about them and see if it doesn't help motivate making a different choice. I've been from overweight to eating nothing in my life all for the same reason - so if we work on the emotion, we can help our eating habits. You are so young a beautiful! Believe in yourself!!