Hi There

I discovered this wonderful place only yesterday and have started my healthy eating plan with the help of it. I am limited to exercise as i am disabled.. I can walk at a slow pace, on a good day!

I look forward to having a read through here and seeing if i can get tips etc.. I am actually doing a skydive in a few weeks and would love to float down and not "THUD"

xx :flowerforyou:


  • kerryhaywoodmillman
    kerryhaywoodmillman Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I am also new you can add me as a friend (I have not worked out how to add friends yet!)
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome to both of you. MFP is a great way to find motivation and support as well as new food ideas and of course a laugh or two.

    I will send you both a friend request
  • Please... don't mention the L word.... all i seem to do is Laugh at myself hehe.. thanks for the request... accepted x
  • kerryhaywoodmillman
    kerryhaywoodmillman Posts: 6 Member
    Very kind of you Thank you:smile: