fat baby

:laugh: So I lug around my 51lb 2yr old daughter ( don't worry she is not over weight she acutly stands 3'4.5'' already) and I also lug my 9mo (19lbs) all day. Dose these count as exsercise. I would include my five year old but he is mr indapendent( 41lbs and shorter then his 2yr old sister). I carry the two younger ones each on a hip most of the time. Or else I am chasing all three up and down my stairs and the street( dont worry dead end back road). So dose all this count as exsercise.


  • jessidenn3
    jessidenn3 Posts: 34
    :laugh: So I lug around my 51lb 2yr old daughter ( don't worry she is not over weight she acutly stands 3'4.5'' already) and I also lug my 9mo (19lbs) all day. Dose these count as exsercise. I would include my five year old but he is mr indapendent( 41lbs and shorter then his 2yr old sister). I carry the two younger ones each on a hip most of the time. Or else I am chasing all three up and down my stairs and the street( dont worry dead end back road). So dose all this count as exsercise.
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    Yes I would think so:flowerforyou:
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    Definetly! Would not know how to count it though. weight lifting?:wink:
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    See, I wouldn't unless you did it as an exercise.. you know pick up put down, etc. I think it is just your norm - maybe not everyones... does that make sense? Are you going a mile with them on your hip as you do your morning/afternoon whatever walk? Or do you mean to get them in the tub, etc? I guess you could count that as maybe a squat?
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    What is your activity level set at? Because I reset mine to avoid having to add every single time I picked the baby up or chased him, or anything like that. If you're set at sedentary, I would reset it to lightly active or active depending on how you feel. Having three kids, you're probably pretty active all day!!!! That way, it will set up extra calories for you so you don't have to add it into your exercise.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    right, worst case, you can set your daily activity level one level up, unless it's already set high. That's the same thing as adding in exercise, just don't record both. Also, remember, when you stop doing this, you need to adjust your profile or you won't be doing it right. I feel that one of the biggest reasons some people have problems on this site is because of incorrect activity level, and overestimating both exercise, and underestimating food consumption.
  • jessidenn3
    jessidenn3 Posts: 34
    I walk every where with them like that...I have even walked around our mall that way
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    I read the topic title and thought Manda was talking about me again.....:cry:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    :laugh: So I lug around my 51lb 2yr old daughter ( don't worry she is not over weight she acutly stands 3'4.5'' already) and I also lug my 9mo (19lbs) all day. Dose these count as exsercise. I would include my five year old but he is mr indapendent( 41lbs and shorter then his 2yr old sister). I carry the two younger ones each on a hip most of the time. Or else I am chasing all three up and down my stairs and the street( dont worry dead end back road). So dose all this count as exsercise.

    I am truly not trying be insuting in anyway, but I'm just very concerned about your daugther's weight. Is it correct that she is 2 years old (24-35 months old) and weighs 51lbs? Might 51lbs have been a typo?

    You said she is 40.5" tall, which is the average height (50th percentile) for a 4 year old, so she is indeed excessively tall - unheard of really, for 2 years old. Her weight however, is the average weight of an 8 year old, and under the US health standard is still obese, even for a height of 40.5".

    I'm glad you are implenting healthy changes in your household, but you might want to take your daughter to a physician, just to have an assessment, as we know the health effects of obesity on adults, but they are significantly increased for children.

    Best of luck to you and your family, and congratulations for embracing a healthy lifestyle!
  • jessidenn3
    jessidenn3 Posts: 34
    listen she will be 3 in 6 weeks and is overly healthy. She sees a dr every few weeks b/c she has cranoysynatosis( premature closing of the soft spots) She is above the 100th percentile for her height and her weight is fine with her height. Her father stands 6'8" and she has his height. as for embracing a healthy lifestyle Our family eats healthier then most people. We dont drink soda, or koolaid, we don't allow sweets. Breckfest always consests of thier choice yogert and fruit or cherrios and fruit, juice or water... Lunch is one veg. one fruit. one meat usialy skinless boneless lemon chix b/c that is thier fav. water or milk,... and dinner is veg, fruit, roll (always wheat), meat, and skim milk... As for snacks they are not promited... We have eaten like this sence I was a kid and I have instaled the same habits on my children. If you look at my pictures my daughter is not even close to fat...
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    i would consider it such...
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    listen she will be 3 in 6 weeks and is overly healthy. She sees a dr every few weeks b/c she has cranoysynatosis( premature closing of the soft spots) She is above the 100th percentile for her height and her weight is fine with her height. Her father stands 6'8" and she has his height. as for embracing a healthy lifestyle Our family eats healthier then most people. We dont drink soda, or koolaid, we don't allow sweets. Breckfest always consests of thier choice yogert and fruit or cherrios and fruit, juice or water... Lunch is one veg. one fruit. one meat usialy skinless boneless lemon chix b/c that is thier fav. water or milk,... and dinner is veg, fruit, roll (always wheat), meat, and skim milk... As for snacks they are not promited... We have eaten like this sence I was a kid and I have instaled the same habits on my children. If you look at my pictures my daughter is not even close to fat...

    She sounds like my daughter! lol
    When Kaleigh turned 3 she was somewhere around 40ish pounds and NOT fat at alllllll.....just really tall. She is now 6 yrs old and 63 lbs, but still..not *fat* she's a lot bigger than all the kids in her class (height, and she's more filled out, not a waif) but she's soooo not fat.
    My son is tiny compared to her, both in height and weight.....she is built just like I was as a child. It doesn't mean they are fat, there is such a thing as a kid being solid (and for the record I wasn't fat as a kid either!) lol
  • jessidenn3
    jessidenn3 Posts: 34
    Thank you for seeing my point:happy: My daughter is not even close to fat eather... She is auctly as tall as her 5 yr old brother. He acutly has my height and fathers build he is short and skinny. My youngest is going to be tall also b/c he is and always been above the hundrith persentile
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I didn't mean to insult in anyway, my apologies if I did. I'm glad all is well with her health. My son is also 3, and is past the 95th percentile at 40" and 37 lbs (that is why 51lbs at the same height shocked me a little).

    I work in pediatric health care, so it simply caught my attention. I'm glad her doctor feels she has a healthy weight to height ratio.