Lost just 1 pound :(



  • judtod
    judtod Posts: 85
    Another way to look at it is to take the long view. If you want to lose 22.7 kg, about 50 lbs, if you lose 1 lb per week it will take you about a year to get to goal weight. If you lose an average of 2 lbs per week it will take you about half a year. In the scheme of things it just doesn't matter if you reach your goal in November or next May. As long as you are moving in the right direction (with some up and down fluctuations to be expected), you are doing great and your future is bright.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Losing weight isn't linear...you cant just do xyz and get result ABC every time. Our bodies don't work that way. You lost a pound this week ...that's awesome! Maybe next week you'll lose 2....or 1more...or none.... But don't lose heart, keep at it, and it will happen. You can do this!
  • JBsCrazyGirl
    JBsCrazyGirl Posts: 337
    You beat me! :sad:

    I only lost 0.9lbs.... and I still jumped for joy...... :embarassed:
    am I doing it wrong?


    You want to lose weight? Get healthy? Get fit? Lost 1lb your first week!?
    You ARE heading in the right direction.

    Think about the journey, and making your steps stronger. When you put a STRICT time limit on it it's like you are giving yourself an expiration date. Give your self a pat on the back for accomplishing what you did this week so you will WANT to push yourself harder next week :ohwell:

  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    Honestly, you had a great week.

    You started walking alot (great for your heart), and still lost a pound.

    Also realize that if you weren't doing that exercise before, your body will instinctively shuttle some more water/nutrients to the muscles in your legs to keep them prepared to continue doing that exercise...which could "mask" your actual loss a little.

    Stick with it, don't let it deter you...I would venture that if you kept up that walking for a few weeks, your rate of loss would go up, as your body gets used to the additional exercise.
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    With all that walking, you may have also increased some muscle mass and offset the number.

    Also, our bodies fluctuate a lot. I like to weigh myself on an empty stomach. You would be surprised how much food in your digestive system can affect your weight.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    How you feel will be so much more important than that one pound. I have to convince myself of this sometimes, but after all the walking I've been doing, it's been amazing how I feel when I move around now. There's no more pain (although the occasional blister still does appear if I didn't tie my shoes correctly), my mind feels clearer, and I can go for a long, long time without having to rest.

    The weight will come off, but it tends to be slow. The other stuff comes much more quickly and is decidedly much more satisfying.
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    My husband would say "your clothes don't lie"...and don't be obsessed with the scale. First off...why are you not happy with losing a pound? Sure better than gaining. One day at a time and if you are committed-the weight will come off. You have to do the work...
  • I've lost 9.4 pounds and today is my 60th day (2 months)

    The scale is just a number - are your clothes fitting better? because even though I don't see much of a scale difference, I feel a hell of a lot better and my clothes are a lot looser.

    You're being irrational and unrealistic. If you wanted to lose that much that quickly you should have started sooner, or you can go the unhealthy way and starve yourself so you drop it fast, and be right back where you started in a few months.

    This is not a sprint, it's a race. I know it's going to take me a lot longer to lose my last 10, but I have, well... the rest of my life.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    There's a gazillion reasons not to trust your scale. I get discouraged because i can go months without losing, partly because i get sloppy and partly because sometimes i stall....and i'll feel like i'm not losing anything and it's not worth it, but yet i'm down over 100 lbs at this point....1 lb is 1 lb...and it's on the scale, so next week it could be different, or maybe you'll lose nothing and 3 weeks from now you'll find suddenly that you are 7 lbs lighter...or perhaps your body will be toning up and building muscle and you won't see much change on the scale but you'll go down a size. The scale is not your friend, it is simply a "walking stick" to use on your journey...it helps you to make sure you don't fall (i.e., unconsciously gain 20 lbs without noticing because you don't pay attention/weigh lol) but it is not a tool to heavily rely on. If i were you, i would try and put it away for a month. I have a hard time doing that, but when i do, i'm usually totally pleasantly surprised when i finally weigh in!
  • LoudmouthLee
    LoudmouthLee Posts: 358
    This is not "The Biggest Loser."

    I am one of the people you referenced: I lost 115 pounds in approximately a year. Most of the weeks I lost around 2 pounds. Some weeks, I lost more, some weeks, I lost less.

    People are going to tell you that you lost a pound. You should be very, very happy with that. If you're concerned that you may be doing something wrong, I have a couple of firm pieces of advice for you, most of which you already know:

    a) Make sure you're logging all of your food. Even your 1 or 2 bites. Those calories add up and may sneak up on you.
    b) Make sure you're doing enough exercise to work up a sweat and get your heart rate going. If your body thinks it's too easy, you aren't doing nearly enough good.
    c) Watch your sodium / caffeine. You may be retaining water.
    d) Make sure you're eating ENOUGH. I have personally found that I've lost more weight by eating, rather than by starving.

    I hope this helps, and grats on the loss this week!

  • 1 LB is great! Keep doing your routine and tracking your calories. Eventually you will become aware of how your body is affected by food and exercise. Once you reach that level, you will understand how hard to push yourself and what to eat. Like many other posts before me, 1 LB is excellent so turn that frown upside down! :)
  • nicolen160
    nicolen160 Posts: 197 Member
    I would take a 1 pound loss... next time your at the grocery, pick up a one pound tube of sausage, that is what you lost!! and is no longer on your body, that is great news! Keep pushing foward, it's marathon not a race, good luck!
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    One pound is good...great in fact. I lost 35 Lbs at about 1 Lb per week rate. It's not the same week to week...sometimes it's more, sometimes less..sometimes nothing. It averages out over a much longer period of time and isn't linear.

    By the way, you lost this...


    Focus on being healthier and more fit, not so much on losing X Lbs by such and such a date...focus on being better today than you were yesterday...and better tomorrow than you were today. The rest will fall into place.
    Gross, where did you find that?
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    This is not a sprint, it's a race.

    I thought it was the other way around? :)
  • Ghette
    Ghette Posts: 350 Member
    Hello, do you know me?

    If you don't, you should. I'm a pound of fat,

    And I'm the HAPPIEST pound of fat that you would ever want to meet.

    Want to know why?

    It's because no one ever wants to lose me;

    I'm ONLY ONE POUND, just a pound!

    Everyone wants to lose three pounds, five pounds, or fifteen pounds, but never only one.

    So I just stick around and happily keep you fat.

    Then I add to myself, ever so slyly, so that you never seem to notice it.

    That is, until I've grown to ten, twenty, thirty or even more pounds in weight.

    Yes, it's fun being ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT, left to do as I please.

    So, when you weigh in, keep right on saying, "Oh, I only lost one pound."

    (As if that were such a terrible thing.)

    For you see, if you do this, you'll encourage others to keep me around because they'll think I'm not worth losing.

    And, I love being around you - your arms, your legs, your chin, your hips and every part of you.

    Happy Days!!!

    After all, I'm ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT!!!

    - Author Unknown

    ????Just keep adding to that one pound.????You got this!!

    Thanks a lot for this. Loved it and will keep me motivated until I lose!! :)

    ????You're welcome!????
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    I've lost only 2 lbs in almost 2 months and I exercise 6 days a week. So losing 1 lb in a week I think is great. Just keep like that imagine if you could average losing 1 lb a week you'll lose 16 lbs in 4 months.