Feeling motivated to do C25k - Questions

Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
I want to try running - at my current state, I'm honestly no good at it, but whatevs. That's why I'm working on it.

Two questions:

Do you tend to do it on the treadmill, or on a trail? I prefer trails, although one is a good deal more winding and bumpy. Any benefits/detriments you could see with the trails?

How do you track the minutes you've run? I was thinking of using my ipod - is there a good app, or a way to set the clock time to reset so I don't have to manually set it each time?


  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I started C25K last week. For me I am doing it on a treadmill over my lunch break at work. Once I finish I will move to the great outdoors, but for now I am more comfortable on the treadmill. Mostly because I can control my pace there. Outdoors I tend to push too hard and burn out quickly. I learned that last year when I tried C25K.

    I use my iPhone. I got the C25K app by Zen Labs, but there are tons of them out there. It was the most practical for me and had the best reviews. They have a Free version and a Pro version, the only difference being ads.
  • raspberrytartgirl
    raspberrytartgirl Posts: 51 Member
    We usually did it at my daughter's school on her track. benefits to doing in on the trail you defintely feel the workout more. the trail was up and down hill work out and it helped build my stamina. the instructor used a stop watch for us and timed our running. I did it for 12 weeks with my daughter's school team.
  • thenoxus1
    thenoxus1 Posts: 56 Member
    Road Running > machines. It'll help your form so much more. If you can I would road run. Do whatever you are most comfortable with though as long as you get it in.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    I use an iPhone app called 5K Runner and do it on the treadmill. It's easier for me because I can see how many minutes and seconds left to run at any given moment, as the phone is sitting right in front of me on the machine. Distance running is a mind game, having visual cues is tremendously helpful to push me forward when my body says it wants to quit.