New to MFP! Seeking motivating pals to share this journey!

luckyj214 Posts: 41 Member
It says it all in the subject line! Add me and I'll add you, and together we can become healthier, happier versions of ourselves!!! Let'd ACTUALLY do this. Let's stop starting and stopping. I want to make it to the place I dream of. I need encouragement and support along the way. It doesn't work to go it alone!

If you're curious..
I'm a 24 year old female, about 5'3 and currently at 186 lb. I have a good amount of leg muscle, but everything else is just pudgy and quite frankly, FAT. I tend to stay away from dairy and calcium as I am prone to kidney stones, and mild acne. I lack in protein intake and need to get on track with consuming more water and less juice. Not a big soda drinker, but I was as a kid. I eat pretty healthy and have started exercising more regularly.

My goal is to be 130lbs someday and maintain a toned body and healthy weight. My family history includes diabetes and high blood pressure, along with various forms of debilitating health issues. Not a beautiful looking gene pool if you know what I mean!

I want to live a more healthy lifestyle and I need your support to keep me going!!!


  • mstish1979
    mstish1979 Posts: 4
    Hello there!

    I am new as well. Just set up my profile and everything yesterday and today. I'm 33, single mom of one. She is my motivation, and plus I am tired of being the cute but chubby friend. I am currently 265, which is my heaviest. EVER. I would like to drop down to under 200. That is not my "ideal" weight, but I have been comfortable and I would be satisfied with a 10, 12, or even size 14 clothing size. I am also signed up to be part of a nutrition program, so that is a big push for me. I lost around 40lbs YEARS ago before I had my daughter and I have been yo-yo-ing with the weight ever since. I am ready to get this off of me....and I mean NOW!!! LOL. I have slowly been eating a little more healthy, and I am trying to push with the exercising more. But, I know that I am a work in progress and I don't want to discourage myself. The eating is my biggest obstacle.
  • kamckinley1
    kamckinley1 Posts: 17
    I have a similar background - 5'2 - 202lbs .. my lowest in the past few years has been 193 & I want to loose 25 lbs before the new school year starts in Sept! I will be a senior in college so I want to make it the best school year yet. Lets help motivate eachother, FOR REAL!
  • shlittle23
    shlittle23 Posts: 7 Member
    I used to have one and havent used it in forever! I would love some friends to journey with! I have 35 pounds to lose
  • SmurphyKU
    SmurphyKU Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome!! Just added you, this place is seriously the best for motivation and accountability! Anyone else feel free to add me!
  • jandjcassidy
    jandjcassidy Posts: 143
    Hey there Ill add you I love helping others!!
  • kimmyh70
    kimmyh70 Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome! I was on here 2 years ago when I was preparing for my wedding. Now it's 2 years later, married and still struggling. I've come back and hoping to be more motivated than I was before. Being in my 40's and struggling with an underactive thyroid makes for a long uphill battle, but it needs to be done! I believe that with a good support group you can achieve anything! :smile:
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    Invite sent and willing to have anyone add me who likes lot of !!!
  • dessertlover27
    dessertlover27 Posts: 385 Member
    Sure sure. Could use more friends. Anyone that's active in this site can add me too.
  • Murpster2008
    Murpster2008 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there! You can certainly add me. I need all the motivation I can get. :)