NEED HELP losing weight with PCOS

Hey group,
I am needing some help. I recently was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) I am insulin resistant. In the past couple of years I kept putting on the weight after not really changing anything about my diet or my exercise. Now that I know why PCOS I am taking metformin to control that to some degree, however I can not shed this weight about 40 lbs that I have packed on. I stopped eating RED meats. Only fish and chicken or sometimes ground turkey. Try to stay away from flour products and breads. This is hard for me as I love the bread group more than sweets. I just got a gym membership and are doing 2 1hour Zumba classes a week, but still not seeing much of a change. Zumba is fun and awesome, but I think that I need to use the gym more. I dont even know where to start let alone what to do. More than I care about my "weight" I really care about what I feel like and look like in my clothes. I have great strong legs, but need to work my stomach, love handles, back, and arms. Seems impossible. I would love some input on anyone who is going through PCOS or just generally has some suggestions for me. I have been away from my family for about a year and in a few months will be seeing them again and I would love to be thinner and healthy and just wow them. I also am doing this for a lifestyle change not a diet or temporary. I want to keep it up I did not come from a healthy nutrition family and did not learn these things growing up. We were a meat and potato family. What eating habits,and exercises should I be doing? Greatful for any help.


  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    I have PCOS also, was diagnosed about 10 years ago. Fortunately for me, I'm not insulin resistant. I have always struggled with me weight and believe the PCOS was a contributing factor (among many others!!) What worked for me..Lifting weights, really lifting weights...not super heavy but more than the 2 lb weights and lunges :) also cardio...You really need both if you want this to be a lifestyle change. I started out lifting weights (no cardio) lost 50 lbs then started I'm an addicted runner and unfortunately I don’t' lift as often as I should anymore..but also the weight has plateaued...but I "feel" do both and continue to do both :)
    The biggest sticking with it!
  • tinypastels
    tinypastels Posts: 32 Member
    Running! Love it or hate it, I believe its the "cure" to PCOS. Since you have a gym membership, run the treadmill, you don't have to do incline or anything, just doing sprints on there for a half hour every other day will make all the difference! If you have an iphone download Lolo beatburn and its actually so much fun...I got kinda addicted to it actually! I lost weight so fast, arms included, because they're pumping back and forth so much. I was never a runner in gym class, trust me! Now my endocrinologist says I'm the opposite of PCOS and TOO healthy. Ooops. But HIIT on the treadmill was what did it!!!
  • Irish_eyes_86
    Irish_eyes_86 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for the advice I will try both suggestions. I am doing Zumba twice a week at the gym, watching what I eat, and next week I meet with a personal trainer. I will the tread mill and some lifting into my new routine. Good Suggestions. I am not much of a runner, but I will give it a try I am desperately wanting to feel better and be healthy.