So frustrating...

ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I'm going to apologize right away for this being so long!!!

I've been working on losing weight for about 10 years now. I've tried so many methods...all of which seem to work in the short term, but never last. Sometimes that's been my own doing, but lately, that's not the case--I just can't seem to lose any weight!

My biggest frustration is this: Since September 2009 I've weighed almost exactly the same thing (I'll fluctuate around 2-3 pounds up and down from time to time). No matter what I try, I can't seem to lose (or even gain) any weight.

Typically I'm a very healthy eater. I have a sweet tooth, but I've been very careful to plan my sweet treats in with the rest of my meals. I typically eat between 1200 and 1500 calories per day (MFP suggests about 1500/day). Some days I struggle to hit 1200 calories as I have a VERY sensitive stomach.

I've tried so many methods, while staying within my caloric limit. I spent 3 weeks eating tons of fruits/veggies/whole grains, working out on a regular basis, and getting enough sleep (as often as my body will allow) . I lost 1 pound. Yup...that's it. I didn't gain muscle weight, so I can't use that as an clothes didn't fit any different.

When I was in WeightWatchers, they suggested shocking your system with one more caloric day--you know, to get yourself jumpstarted again. I tried that...I've even tried doing that for up to a week. You'd think I'd gain a bunch of weight, eating all the things I love. But no...I didn't gain anything.

It's so frustrating...I'm doing everything right (most of the time...we all make mistakes, though) and I'm not budging. I am going to go see a doctor about this to rule out any kind of medical something, but the first date this specialist had open was in October...gah! I thought I'd come here to see if any one has any suggestions.

Any help would be appreciated! :)


  • ccpbuxton
    ccpbuxton Posts: 1 Member
    I can totally associate with you. I'm the same way!!! I get so discouraged because I never lose anything and if I do it's only like 2-3 and maybe if I'm lucky 5 lbs. Then I gain it back and always weigh the same. I have a ton of female problems and will be having a hysterectomy within the next few months so I'm crossing my fingers it will help some. I will pray that you see the results you are wanting soon! Good luck :smile:
  • wow! How frustrating. I'm frustrated with my lack of self control, I can't imagine trying that hard and then not getting the results. Have you tried strength training? They say building muscle burns fat faster. Also, have you had your thyroid checked? I'm pretty sure your regular family dr. can check that out. Good luck and hope you find some answers. Any secrets as to how you keep up the will power? I know all the right stuff, I just can't get myself to DO it!
    JUSTFORME2010 Posts: 125 Member
    Im not sure if you mentioned this in the note, but I would go have some bloodwork done at the dr office fasting. There are people who have thyroid situations or metabolism or other factors that will keep your weight the same. Research the easy first.

    Good Luck
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I'd also recommend a visit to your family doctor. Being that you have a sensitive stomach, you may have a digestive condition that you don't know about.
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    Thanks, everyone. I kind of figured everyone would suggest seeing a doctor, but I thought I'd try anyway! :)

    My bloodwork is tested almost yearly for thyroid issues (combination of family history and my personal experiences)...nothing yet. That's one reason I'm going to a specialist--he uses other methods of checking your thyroid besides just bloodwork. As strange as it sounds, that's what I'm hoping it is--at least I'd have an answer!

    ccpbuxton--Good luck! Hopefully that will be helpful for you!

    beccaleathers--I have terrible willpower! That's why I make sure to fit my weakensses (chocolate and skim lattes, especially) fit into my diet...and I try to be smart about them (no mochas anymore...and I try to eat dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate). One advantage I've always had is that I eat pretty healthy foods--just how I was raised. :)

    I wish everyone the best of luck in your own individual paths! :)
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