Need a new challenge..ideas?

I'm one of those people that if I don't have a way to challenge myself, I'm gonna *kitten* the bed. Drink my water. Check. Start tracking my intake/output. Got it. I challenged myself to walk an hour every day, and now I'm kicking that right in the kiester. So now I need something else I can attack. Was thinking for the month of June, but will likely start before that. Any ideas? Oh and please feel free to add me. The more the merrier on this wicked awesome ride.


  • courtniesolis
    courtniesolis Posts: 19 Member
    I found an "ab challenge" for June on Pinterest that I'm thinking about doing. Also I know one thing I have found that works and is very challenging is Insanity. Idk if its something you have considered but if you want a challenge, it is definitely a good one. :-) I am sending you a friend request!
  • amberrea82
    amberrea82 Posts: 232 Member
    Awesome thanks! Pinterest is seriously an a.d.d. girl's best friend lol I was kinda looking at the ab challenge or maybe a leg challenge. Would love to do the lunges or squats but my stupid arthritic knee disagrees with me so far.
  • soulkal
    soulkal Posts: 51 Member
    i was looking at the 30 day squat challenge as well. We can start it together if you want. :) I would even like to try a push ups challenge..but i am totally bad at those..and can`t do more than 5! someday... :)
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    leslie sansone
    walk 1 mile or walk 2 miles.....( theres different ones)
    you tube video
  • amberrea82
    amberrea82 Posts: 232 Member
    i was looking at the 30 day squat challenge as well. We can start it together if you want. :) I would even like to try a push ups challenge..but i am totally bad at those..and can`t do more than 5! someday... :)

    Okay yeah let's do it! Who says I can only do one challenge lol
  • amberrea82
    amberrea82 Posts: 232 Member
    leslie sansone
    walk 1 mile or walk 2 miles.....( theres different ones)
    you tube video

    Ah yes I used to have her dvd's..then I left my exhusband and well left absolutely everything. I really like her methods.
  • cseale2
    cseale2 Posts: 5
    I just started both the 30 day ab and squat challenges, you should totally try one or both of those! I have a motivation page that I just started on facebook called Gonna Get Fit -feel free to join! both challenges are on there, and motivation is what keeps me moving! : )
  • kizzybubbles
    kizzybubbles Posts: 24 Member
    I have been doing the 30 day ab challenge lol, been doing it for almost two months now I can't stop I am addicted lol. Thinkig of starting in with the squats soon as well, just waiting for some pain in my thighs to go away first, don't want to strain myself in a bad way
  • piefairy
    piefairy Posts: 1

    seriously, hang from a pull-up bar or go find some monkey bars at a playground. don't do pull-ups, don't swing yourself across the bars, just hang. doesn't seem like much, but it's surprisingly hard. if you can do 20 seconds to start with (no cheating! no feet on the ground!), pat yourself on the back. work your way up to 1 minute, or two. work your way up to 3 minutes of constant monkey-bar-swinging.

    this is not a huge time commitment, and they're muscles that most of us generally don't use the way they're designed for -- because seriously, who climbs trees every day? not me, probably not you -- but if you can get your shoulder strength to the point where you can support your own body weight, *hanging*, you're in a good place. won't help you lose weight, if that's your goal, but it will help tone your arms/shoulders, and your shoulders/neck/upper back will feel better. sit and drive or write or work on a computer all day? do something nice for your body, and hang.