friends weighing over 200s please



  • toridehaven
    toridehaven Posts: 95
    Hi all, I am 29 years old and 248 pounds! I am really trying to create a healthier lifestyle for my kids and I. I have always been heavy but it didn't hit home until my 10 year old daughter was being bullied because of her weight. I hate bullying! So I am trying to get a grip on my health in order to show her how to be healthy and comfortable in her own skin. Please feel free to add me, I would love to support you on this LONG journey! Oh and my goal is to lose 100 pounds by my 30th birthday (April 2, 2014)!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Barely over 200, aiming for under 200 by the end of the month :)
  • OUFan70
    OUFan70 Posts: 16 Member
    Oh hi
  • glitternurse
    glitternurse Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I'm 240 now, my highest was 295 and I'm working towards 175. I'm been using MFP regularly for 3 weeks now and I'm really getting the hang of it. I too would like to meet some people in my weight range and those who have been through it that can offer advice, guidance and support through life's ups and downs.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I am currently at 192 coming down from 260. I log on every day and love to be encouragement to others. Feel free to add me.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    I started at 204. Add me if you'd like!
  • venturaroo
    venturaroo Posts: 84 Member
    My current weight is 217 but started at 285. Would like to see 165 then go from there. I am on everyday and would love to offer support or encouragement to anyone who is in need. :flowerforyou:
  • UCFLauren
    UCFLauren Posts: 19 Member
    Hello all!

    Restarted my MFP journey a few weeks ago.

    Got to the point of tipping the scale at 300 lbs and felt awful, awful, AWFUL!

    Goal weight is currently 175 and then gonna see where I need to go from there!

    Feel free to add me so we can help each other along the way! :-)
  • niightwindz
    niightwindz Posts: 64 Member
    I was at 208 pounds when I started. I'm at 192 now, but I'd still love some more people in my friends list to motivate/get motivation from. :)
  • jalrashdi
    jalrashdi Posts: 34
    Im in the 300's :-( and trying to get to about 190. Im slowly on this weight loss journey too if you still need to add friends.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    im 202 trying to get to 170
    u can ad dme
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Anybody on this thread can feel free to add me as a friend. Just had a baby, I'm currently 218 working back towards 150!
  • lilybeth8924
    lilybeth8924 Posts: 10 Member
    I started at 214 and I'm trying to get down to 140. I'm currently at 207, started using MFP a month ago. Anyone is free to add me. The more friends, the merrier! I log every day and love receiving and giving support.
  • cisko213
    cisko213 Posts: 10 Member
    Started at 250 and working my way down.
  • medicvaldez
    medicvaldez Posts: 42 Member
    I started a few days ago and weigh 230-228 depending on the goal is to get to 160..I had a ****ty day and ate a hot dog w chili and cheese an ice cream cone, a diet pepsi...because we all know it makes the meal a bit better to swallow, and started my day with mcdonalds egg white delight...All because i meal prepped and left the house with out my lunch bag so of course that ment I needed to eat a freakin HOT DOG!!!
    Girl I feel you, ANYONE can add me...i hate waking up feeling strong and one bump in the road makes it go to the pooper...:/
  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    I am 210 with a goal of 130 (maybe 125). I lost 20 lbs, but have gained back 5, but now back on track. Always looking for friends with similar goals.
  • Jamiew3kids
    Jamiew3kids Posts: 101 Member
    Started at 220 I am down to 203! Feel free to add me :)
  • rhacha55
    rhacha55 Posts: 7 Member
    first timer doing this. I started a month ago. I started at 221 lbs. today I weighed in at 212.8. I too want to get to 145. I need to. two years ago i had open heart surgery. I need to get heathly. I am only 54.
  • shaywoods12
    shaywoods12 Posts: 7 Member
    Anyone add me if you want. I started at 223.6 three weeks ago, currently 218.7. It works if you think before you eat and log everything, even if it's something bad (like pizza)!:smile:
  • MisScorpio
    MisScorpio Posts: 39
    I know how you feel!!! i'm now 238, started at 330+, lost 135 lb but gained 70 due to a tumor & 2 major surgeries in 3 weeks the end of last year. Lost 35 of that & back at it.....I welcome friends!