Just had a ridiculous binge...

brainzap Posts: 145 Member
So I ate...
5 quest bars
3 cans of tuna
3 apples
1 can of sardines
16 chocolate truffles
100g chocolate bar

I want to die


  • KCPT17
    KCPT17 Posts: 15 Member
    Forget it. Start over tomorrow. Don't dwell.... use it at motivation to eat healthy for the rest of the week! **** happens!
  • KaraAlste
    KaraAlste Posts: 168 Member
    Cheer up, You are just eighteen. It could even be a growthspurt! And most of it was healthy like tuna. I wish I craved things like that! :flowerforyou:
  • brainzap
    brainzap Posts: 145 Member
    Cheer up, You are just eighteen. It could even be a growthspurt! And most of it was healthy like tuna. I wish I craved things like that! :flowerforyou:
    I ate like half a pound of chocolate though :sad:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Given your aim is "To be the skinniest person in the room"
    and, as you stated on another thread 'size 00', I am not surprised.
    With goals like that, I have little doubt you are most likely undereating.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    If thats you in your pic....which I'm guessing it is. I wouldn't worry about it! :flowerforyou:
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Given your aim is "To be the skinniest person in the room"
    and, as you stated on another thread 'size 00', I am not surprised.
    With goals like that, I have little doubt you are most likely undereating.

    I was trying to say it nicely but yeah.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    You say on another thread you eat 1,000 -- eat more on a daily basis and avoid future binges.
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    Given your aim is "To be the skinniest person in the room"
    and, as you stated on another thread 'size 00', I am not surprised.
    With goals like that, I have little doubt you are most likely undereating.

    Yup. Under-eating ALWAYS results in over-eating. If you right-size your calories, you won't binge anymore. Simple. :flowerforyou:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    That's what happens when you starve yourself.
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    let it rest....u will recover... it happened so what... just move on...and Learn from it...but sweetpea u will be fine... its not the end of the world
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    That's what happens when you starve yourself.

  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    You don't need to recover. Just breath. You are fine. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. One binge like this isn't even going to show up on the scale. Realize that you have a serious issue with food, and use that motivate you to get some help. You are young, and eating disorders are a progressive disease.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Do you live with parents/friends? Is anyone else aware of what you're struggling with? If you are a college student, do you know about the mental health facilities available? You are putting your health at serious long-term risk with your goals and eating/thought patterns. If anyone is aware of what is going on, I hope they encourage you to get some help.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    the more I calories I set my goal out, the less I go all crazy eating all in sight.

    So Ithink if you try to eat a bit more, you will run into this much less.
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    When you're trying to lose weight, it's important to avoid all-or-nothing thinking. Binging doesn’t mean you’ve blown your diet. Just make sure you don't use it as an excuse to slide into terrible habits that ruin the progress you're trying to make. Just don't let one "bad" choice be the excuse for the next and the next in a slippery slope to failure.

    You don't drown because you fall in the water. You only drown if you STAY in the water. You fell in...now just get back out and dry off.

    You're fine. And if binge eating is a recurrent problem for you, there are some good helpful books as well as good professional counselors who can help!

    Look at it this way: Five years from now, you probably won't even remember tonight. In the grander scheme of your life, THIS does not matter. This doesn't mean you're "bad" (or ugly or undisciplined or dumb or anything else). You're fine. You're better than fine. You are capable and smart and lovely in a million ways.
  • kiern18
    kiern18 Posts: 61
    Whatever you do, don't panic or step on the scales tomorrow. The worst thing you can do is step on the scale after a binge. I would wait a week or so. Drink some lemon water then go to sleep. Wake up tomorrow and move forward. It's never too late to start over or learn from your mistakes. Everything is going to be okay.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    It's a cycle, restricting and binging and feeling awful, and from experience, I promise you it doesn't get better from here. Stop now and eat healthy. You'll have almost the exact same body if you eat balanced super healthy meals and work out as if you restrict, but there are two benefits 1. you won't be skinny-fat (flabby) afterwards, everything will be toned 2. you don't die of malnutrition. It's a better world.
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    You say on another thread you eat 1,000 -- eat more on a daily basis and avoid future binges.

  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Repeat what u ate 3-4 times a day.

    And enjoy the comments, they are only telling you the truth, no one wants to see you suffer.

    but don't binge on those truffles like that.
    They are loaded with carbs and fat.
    Very unhealthy to eat that many.
    I hope you will take what u need from this post, and continue striving for your ultimate health
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Look on the bright side..you ingested a crap ton of quality protein and fiber