My first 5K on monday!!

I am so nervous that I am going to finish dead last. Should I take my own water? I feel confident and scared at the same time.


  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    You probably shouldn't need to bring water. I assume there will be one water stop (most 5K's have them). I honestly use to carry my water every time I ran...but I have come to realize I don't NEED water unless I"m running for more than 6 miles and/or if it is really warm. But if you are use to carrying your own water, then go ahead and take it...but just keep in mind your body probably doesn't need the additional water.

    Oh and congrats on signing up and taking on your first 5K!! huge accomplishment! Have fun and don't worry about your place!
  • HikeThatMountain
    Good on you!!! Good luck!

    And please keep this in mind (something someone said to me when I did my first 5K last summer):

    It doesn't matter the time it took, you STILL RAN 5K!!!

    just remember to take the day before off from running the race (even two days, maybe just walk if you feel you must, but not on the day before).

    As said, they usually have a water stop about half way, but by all means take a small bottle if you like....
  • bettepower
    bettepower Posts: 73 Member
    Psyched for you! Good luck.
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    How exciting for you.. Congrats on getting to this point..

    Not that I have ran any 5k races but I have walked a few of them, and they always have water stations.. I would recommend checking the website for the race you are doing, they normally state that water stations will be available.

    just remember that you time does not matter, your finishing the race does !! Please let us know how it goes !!
  • youareorange
    youareorange Posts: 74 Member
    Good luck :) and have fun!