So Frustrating!

rmeenen Posts: 23
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So today was weigh in day and I am up a pound. This makes me really frustrated because I know yesterday (I weigh everyday but only officially record on Fridays) I was down 2 pounds!! I am wondering if the gain is from stress? I have been out of school for a year and this week I was called in at the last minute (4:45 Wednesday afternoon and my interview was at noon Thursday) to interview for a position that I really wanted. What I ate yesterday was normal and I had the same water intake but the times were all out of whack because I worked 8-5 yesterday while going to this interview over my lunch break. I'm just wondering if the stress and nerves of everything really took a toll on my body and caused this or if its just a normal fluctuation from eating at weird times yesterday or a combination of both?


  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    That happens to me allllll the time.. I weigh myself daily but record once a week. For example, yesterday for my weigh in I was only down .6 lbs from previous week. This morning, I lost almost a full pound more.(why didn't you fall off yesterday pound? :ohwell: ) ,.. but the difference is I didn't get to workout yesterday and I was able to sleep in a little more today. I just live with the flucations and record same day for consistency. Maybe next week will be a great week since it will normalize out over the next several days..
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    You answered your own question and the answer is CERTAINLY YES! Give yourself another week
  • It could be stress, it could be water or fluid from foods, it could be a number of things....I only weigh in one time a week now...on wednesdays, because I learned that on mondays i'd never see a change because of the weekends eating being a little different and heavier than my work week'd be surprised which foods carry and hold water for hours upon days sometimes....
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    why do you weigh yourself everyday?
  • MomBo
    MomBo Posts: 24 Member
    Those are the ups and downs of dieting...I weigh in every 4 weeks...makes it a lost easier for me...I am in this for the long haul. I check weight almost every day but only count the 4 week weigh in as serious weight status. Salt in take, water retention, activity level, bodies natural way of adjusting to weight lose...many factors add in to a fluctuation. Odds are you will be down 2 lbs in a couple days...hang in there!!!! Oh, and as to why she weighs herself every day...because she is a is the nature of us creatures to do that!!!
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    Those are the ups and downs of dieting...I weigh in every 4 weeks...makes it a lost easier for me...I am in this for the long haul. I check weight almost every day but only count the 4 week weigh in as serious weight status. Salt in take, water retention, activity level, bodies natural way of adjusting to weight lose...many factors add in to a fluctuation. Odds are you will be down 2 lbs in a couple days...hang in there!!!! Oh, and as to why she weighs herself every day...because she is a is the nature of us creatures to do that!!!

    :laugh: so true.. if I am down, I do the happy dance.. if i am up.. I throw a hissy fit and say "this isn't working. I give up" .. and then the moment passes and it's all good for the rest for of the day.. we are indeed sick puppies...
  • Funny thats exactly what I said one my blog page today too.What does Stress weigh?? lol but really it affects us tremendously so how to get rid of it? I am so frustrated. I have always eaten well way before any diet or fad came out, I rarely overeat and even with all the exercixe I am doing NOTHING!!! I have very thin legs & arms but a large middle. It just will not go away. So I understand.
    BTW Good Luck, I will think only good thoughts for you in your endevor to locate a job!!!All my best, A
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