


  • mlcantwell
    mlcantwell Posts: 243 Member

    Hi, also from the Seattle-ish area!
    Me two! But I live 6,500 miles away now! I miss the mountains and trees.
  • CanadianDot
    CanadianDot Posts: 93 Member
    I saw the thread title, and immediately thought, YAY WHOVIAN!!

    You're welcome to add me, if you'd like. I'm more like an adipose atm than anything, lol!
  • sripper
    sripper Posts: 2
    Add me as well fellow canadian
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    It's STILL all about Tom Baker for me.
  • cristynfaye
    cristynfaye Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, also from the Seattle-ish area!

    Oh where are you? I grew up on the east side and Snohomish County, but have lived in Belltown, Ballard, and Alki for the last several years. About a year and a half ago we bought a house in Bremerton, so now we're trying to get acclimated to the rural life of Kitsap.
  • cristynfaye
    cristynfaye Posts: 88 Member

    Hi, also from the Seattle-ish area!
    Me two! But I live 6,500 miles away now! I miss the mountains and trees.

    Come back! Washington misses you! Where are you now?
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    Oh, my gosh, is this what falling into like with a stranger feels like?
    Donna is my favorite as well.
    I am in the Seattle area. None of this Seattle-ish business.

    Good luck!
  • wintersbeauty25
    I opened this because of the topic too.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Hi, also from the Seattle-ish area!

    Oh where are you? I grew up on the east side and Snohomish County, but have lived in Belltown, Ballard, and Alki for the last several years. About a year and a half ago we bought a house in Bremerton, so now we're trying to get acclimated to the rural life of Kitsap.
    I live in Silverdale and work in Bremerton. At work right now( yay for graveyard! ¬,¬)
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    Feel free to add me. Especially if you've always wanted to say allons-y Alonzo!! (Or, if you don't watch Doctor Who you can add me anyway! Ha!)

    Haha! I love the Doctor....I was wondering if anyone would get my reference. :smile:

    Fellow whovians!!! Requests sent.
  • MamaQuilter69
    MamaQuilter69 Posts: 3 Member

    Swoon!!! I love love love the Doctor... Still not sure which is my favourite - seems to be everyone I watch lol!!
  • sarahtonin015
    sarahtonin015 Posts: 193
    Hi. Wow, that is a lot of Whovians here. And because of this it is somebody's else introduction thread who stops me from being a pure lurker. Anybody, feel free to add me as friend.

    Oh, and I think I like Ten a slight bit better than 11.

    Who is your guys' favourite companion?

    That's tough! I love Sarah-Jane, but Rose is probably my favourite because I ship her and the 10th Doctor so hard. Lol. (Although, for the record, I ship the 11th Doctor with the TARDIS more than anyone, but River is a close second). But I also LOVE Donna, because she was such a good contrast to most of the other companions in the rebooted series - I love the genuine friendship she and the Doctor have, and it isn't complicated by romantic feelings or the like. They remind me a lot of brother and sister, and I love their tender moments as much as I love their spats. :P
  • AndreannaTamira
    Hi. Wow, that is a lot of Whovians here. And because of this it is somebody's else introduction thread who stops me from being a pure lurker. Anybody, feel free to add me as friend.

    Oh, and I think I like Ten a slight bit better than 11.

    Who is your guys' favourite companion?

    Donna for the NewWho ... Sarah Jane and Jamie are pretty much tied for Classic :)
    . Oh, that's basically my favourites, too. Especially Jamie. I need to find some more second Doctor eps online, just because of him. (We have a special thing going on over here in NZ this year. Every Sunday Doctor Who episodes at UKTV, every month a new Doctor. It started with One in January and is just working it's way through selected episodes for each Doctor. I was really sad when February ended and I knew that was it with Jamie on TV. Good We have the Internet. :) )
  • ashleympruitt
    Definitely opened this thread for the Doctor reference. Making sure I wasn't crazy. :D
  • jikkenkekka
    jikkenkekka Posts: 61
    Sent you a friend request! :) And any other Whovians can feel free to add me as well if you're looking to expand your friends list a bit. I never realized there were so many DW fans around here (and what smart fans too--all of you who answered that Donna is your favorite companion, *clearly* in the right there... XP).

    My Doctor is Ten, but I love Eleven as well! My order of favorites probably goes Ten, Four, Eleven... and then it gets really complicated because I used to say Three but after watching more Seventh Doctor stuff and seeing McCoy in person at Gallifrey One this year, I'm awfully attached to Seven. ...And right around here is the part where I tend to get sidetracked into discussing how precious I find Eight........
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I feel old. Anyone else grow up with the early doctors?

    And k-9?

    It used to come on the TV when I was a kid, after school. That, and SCTV. Basically, it was what you watched after Thundercats was over.
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Aussie whovian here .... and an older one ...

    Tom Baker is the only true Dr (just as Sean Connery is the only true Bond) but I have to admit that I do like the Matt Smith one as well

    As for companions ..... Sarah-Jane was pretty good and I am warming to Clara ....but as a redblooded bloke who likes redheaded women .... Amy Pond
  • ukulelist
    ukulelist Posts: 33 Member
  • Kamatayan
    Kamatayan Posts: 21 Member
    I was a casual viewer at first. Catching episodes of Tom Baker as a child on KCET. Even during the revamp I would watch what I noticed on the guide. But once I saw The Doctor lose Rose and the tearful goodbye, I was hooked.

    Any and all are welcome to send me a friend request.
  • starartist
    starartist Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I am a doctor who fan too! :) Add me if you like!