Could this be it?

I just picked up my first month's prescription of Thyroid meds. I requested a repeat thyroid test after being told last year that there wasn't a problem and that I was "normal" despite REALLY struggling and not losing a pound. (Counted calories, wore a HRM, trained for a weight loss.) I got the results today and again was told that it was "normal." I asked for the exact numbers after having spent a lot of time informing myself about what "normal" is. My results were the same as last year which is at the very limit of the normal range (from an outdated normal range at that.) I asked if the Doc ever considers treating based on symptoms (hair loss, fuzzy brain, weight issues, achy joints, fatigue, scratchy throat) for borderline patients and was told I'd get a call back. Thankfully she agreed to start me on meds.

It's not that I am happy about the possibility of being on meds for the rest of my life. It is more about not feeling like I am crazy and not getting that LOOK when I say that I actually do count my calories and work out but it just doesn't work. I felt like no one believed me.

Now I am hoping that this could be it. The boost I need to FINALLY see some results of this hard work I put in. (plus a clear brain etc.) I encourage anyone who just has that feeling that something is wrong to do the research, find the info, and ask for what you think you need.



  • ImtheOnethatsCool
    ImtheOnethatsCool Posts: 212 Member
    this might seem from out of left field, but how is your fat intake? Some people actually eat too little fat, which affects your hormones.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    My thyroid function has deteriorated rapidly over the last 15 years and I can tell when it is functioning at a lower level before a blood test ever will! Luckily, I have a very good doctor who believes that the clinical symptoms are just as important (if not more so) than the numbers on a piece of paper.

    I hope you get some relief from your symptoms soon. It will take a few months for the medication to take full effect, but even small improvements can feel like huge strides forward when you feel so rotten! :flowerforyou:
  • 1Mrsmcdilbert
    1Mrsmcdilbert Posts: 44 Member
    Good luck! I just called the doctor last week to get my blood work done again. I have been on thryoid meds for the last 8 years, and I can always tell when I am not quite right. I always have them give me my numbers. Last time, I was in "the good range", but to the higher side. My doctor was good about increasing my dosage, because I just felt off. I felt much better once my body started adjusting to the new dose.
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    How long does it usually take to start seeing some symptoms improve. OK, let's face it I am really hoping the scale will budge. I will be happy to see all symptoms improve but that is a concrete number rather than trying to judge how I feel.
  • bizzyeck
    bizzyeck Posts: 45 Member
    I hate to burst your bubble but the meds will not make the average person lose weight. I have Hasimoto's which is an auto immune disease that causes hypothyroidism.

    I begged my doctor for years to put me on medication. Cold, tired, sore, hair loss, low libido, high cholesterol but still had a "normal" level. He finally relented and gave me meds yet here I sit 10 years later and have seen very little improvement. I don't fall asleep at 2pm everyday anymore but the weight is a real battle. I am able to lose weight to a certain point then I go up 1 lb and back down 1 lb. Very frustrating and I am at that weight right now where the see saw happens.

    Not trying to be a downer, I just don't want you to be disappointed if you don't see big results. I have to be honest... I never saw anyone lose weight just from starting the meds, it mostly helps the other symptoms. Now, the nurse in me will tell you that it takes about 1 month to see any improvement. It will not be a fast change and may be so gradual that you won't realize it. Your MD should be checking your levels every month while you adjust to the medication. Do some research on foods that are not advised for hypothyroidism... ie raw broccoli.

    I wish you luck.
  • Just_Alyssa
    Just_Alyssa Posts: 52 Member
    Interesting convo. I need to get back to the doctor one of these days. I was diagnosed with Graves disease after my 1st kid. My thyroid was I was hyper until after I had my 2nd kid & then it leveled out and has been in the "normal" range for years. The weight thing for me is not really the issue (just needed exercise & moderation) but all the other symptoms are a pain... Especially the foggy sluggish one. Pre-40 when I was still in shape, I felt so awful when i knew I shouldn't. My doc was like "go to bed earlier". Sigh.

    Good luck & I hope you get relief in the coming months!
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks for the input! I never believed that starting meds would be a miraculous weight loss on its own. I am currently wearing a body media fit and charting my calories burned, steps, calories in, deficit, etc and even though I'm honest in my logging and averaging over 500+ calories a day deficit I am not seeing a budge. I have tried eating at 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, and 2000 calories a day and the scale doesn't move. I burn over 2500 most days so any one of these numbers should have produced results. I am over 10,000 steps at least 6 days a week so I'm not just sitting around.

    I am not hoping for a free ride. I'd just love to see results from the work that I do.

  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    By chance did doc check you vitamin D levels? Low vit D can cause similar symptoms. I never would have believed it, but it really made a difference with me.
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    I didn't check on vit D. Is anyone else overwhelmed by how much there is to consider?
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    Please don't be overwhelmed. I realise it's a lot to deal with at the beginning but it gets easier, I promise! :flowerforyou:

    Regarding weight loss, it can take about 2 months for the thyroid medication to even start to kick in. However, you can lose weight. How long have you been trying? I see you have been adjusting your intake but how long did you leave it in between adjustments?