Introducing me...

Hiya - My name's Mhairi and I live in Central Scotland. Today is day 1 of my challenge. I've started the body by vi diet, and I have to say I'm drinking my first shake at the moment - tastes like ice cream!! :) I was shocked when I weighed myself this morning - I'm looking to lose about 2 stones over the next 90 days - that's my challenge!


  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Hi Mhairi, I'm Andrea and just 'down the road' from you in the North East.

    I've been faffing about on here for the last year or so but I'm on a serious mission now. Need to lose around 20lbs by the time I go on holiday at the end of June, haha!!

    Good luck with your journey, there's some fab people on here, friend request on its way x
  • 1980karen
    1980karen Posts: 92 Member
    Hi mhairi, ill add you! :smile: