Low carb friends

Hi everyone i'm on the track of low carbing it. Intrested in having some friends on here who are also on the same path, that we can movtivate & share recipes & such. :)


  • gemini5165
    gemini5165 Posts: 2
    Hi beyourown,

    I'm a low carber and newbie looking for supportive friends.
  • dobbins52
    dobbins52 Posts: 2
    Been stuck in a rut watching what I eat and portion control but having difficulty dropping pounds. This week I 'm trying a week on low carbs to see if i can see results. Any suggestions for fruit with low carbs?
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    If you sign up for free at atkins.com you can get the starter kit and there is a book that tells what the carbs are in most everything
  • I'm keto! :D Add me (if ya wanna')
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    I'm doing low carb once again. I had very good success with it. Add me if you'd like. :)
  • Lazy_Librarian
    Lazy_Librarian Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Sarah and I am a low carb (mostly no carb) dieter. I normally stick to the "Belly Fat Cure - Fast Track" guidelines by Jorge Cruise. I found that it's what works for me and I like it :)

    Looking to add some buddies on the site that are like-minded in low and/or no carbing.
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    FR sent! I am a low carber. Not strict Atkins or South Beach, but I did the low carb once and lost a lot, so doing it a different way this time so it sticks.

    Anyone else feel free to add me! Low carb or no, I don't discriminate :)
  • teddabod
    teddabod Posts: 222 Member
    I've been low carbing it for my cutting phase since March 21. Fee free to add me. Rock on!
  • Feel free to add me.
    I am a very low carb'er and love it. Feel great and don't miss carb's at all.
    I stick with Atkins and it has worked for me.
  • Hildadejesus22
    Hildadejesus22 Posts: 1 Member
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    I live low carb! Feel free to FR! :flowerforyou:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm low carb! and finally seeing results. I've been on here for almost 3 years and haven't lost a thing due to stupid hormones and being a woman. I started low carb and upped my cardio and TADA, i'm finally seeing the tape measure tighten and the scale drop. Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend, it's always nice to get high protein ideas, and to walk through carb meltdowns with each other lol
  • kmstieg
    kmstieg Posts: 58
    Low carb since May of last year....Don't miss carbs at all and feel sooooo much better!!! Anyone can add me, would love more Low Carb friends!!!
  • iwannabeonthebeach
    iwannabeonthebeach Posts: 146 Member
    Hi - just rejoined MFP, been doing Celebrity Slim since February and lost 16lbs but am now stuck so looking for inspiration! Big fan of low carbs now since I feel more energetic and am sleeping better than I have done for years. Feel free to friend me!
  • jaja76
    jaja76 Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add. I try to stick to less then 100g of carbs per day.
  • chicanita91
    chicanita91 Posts: 154 Member
    Anybody feel free to add me I'm a low carber, constantly watching my carbs and it feels like i'm alone at this at times, haha...
  • sueseon
    sueseon Posts: 5
    Count me in. I did Atkins back in '03 - '05 and could still run every morning. Been a long time since I've run, but I'd like to get back.
  • Aruba08
    Aruba08 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi i am trying to stick to less than 60g carbs a day and am at this over a month now. Add me as Id love to hear from some like minded people
  • wpbmommy1
    wpbmommy1 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, I am just starting to try and be a better low carber. I'm type 2 diabetic and it really is in my best health interest to be but I'm finding it so hard. I LOVE pasta and rice and bread. I mean LOVE. So I am trying to limit the amount I have and when I have it. I'll admit I definitely need help.