What do you eat pre-workout and post-workout?



  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    I don't eat pre-workout unless i'm hungry; when I do cardio in the mornings I never have anything because its just too early. Post workout I usually make up a protein shake (1 scoop protein powder, BCAA (1tsp), glutamine (1tsp), and almond milk(1c))
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    During the week:
    About 1.5 hrs before I workout (after work) I typically eat an apple and a handful of dry roasted edamame. I do this because the edamame helps me meet my protein goal and we get free apples at work.

    About 1.5 hrs after I workout I eat dinner.

    Weekends: I eat nothing before I workout in the morning. After I eat all my food for the day, but it may be several hours after some may be immediately after. No rules on the weekend.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I usually don't eat RIGHT before a workout - but I typically workout around 3pm and eat a snack (of fruit usually) around 1-2pm. After workout I always eat apple slices with peanut butter and a glass of milk.
  • vlynnvale
    vlynnvale Posts: 89 Member
    Thank you for all of your replies! This helps. I've just always seen articles about the Top 10 Pre-Workout/Post-Workout Foods! blah blah blah, and I never understood if there was an actual science to eating certain things before and after or if it's all just personal preference. Seems like it's the latter!
  • chicanita91
    chicanita91 Posts: 154 Member
    I normally work out right after lunch or dinner, then after I eat some kinda of carby fruit like an apple or banana and a lean protein shake within 30 min after the workout
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Usually bread with a little bit of protein before a workout, or some mashed sweet potato.

    Usually a protein - carb combination after, like some cottage cheese and a banana.