Would love to get feedback... how many calories to eat

So, just tracked my 25th day in a row, but it's made me sooo frustrated. Written down everything (yes, I believe there was a 3,000+ calorie day).
Overall, though, the average was just over 1500/day, with working out for 45 min 3-5 times/week. And, I GAINED 1 pound. So, back to the drawing board, guess I need to still to 1200 calories and that's it?!!!

Would love to hear your thoughts...
HOW little calories to eat in order to lose weight? Always reading about eating "too little", but I know that's not my issue:)

already doing cardio and strength training, consistently 3-4x/week

i am 50 years old., 5'1" with about 30 pounds to lose...

All comments welcome!!


  • msigman1
    msigman1 Posts: 20 Member
    Try swapping some foods. There is an app for you phone called Fooducate. it is free. You can scan the bar code of any food and it will "grade" the food A-F. It also gives you alternatives that have a better grade, so you can make a good swap. I switched our bread to the Hiners 35. 35 calories a slice. I switched reg eggs to the egg beaters egg whites only 25 calories per serving. I switched our burrito shells to Tam-X-Ico's - Low Carb Wheat Tortillas 70 calories a shell. I make two egg white burritos with salsa almost every day. Love them. 270 calories for a very filling meal that is high in protein and fiber.(four servings of egg, two shells, and salsa. I also switched our milk from 1% to unsweetened almond milk 30 calories per 8 oz. I throw this in with a shake mix from GNC and some ice. Super yummy and super filling. I can stick with this to get healthy and lose the weight.

    I have two shakes a day. 230 calories for the first (25 lean from GNC powder) with 8 oz of unsweetened almond milk.
    130 calories for the second (GNC woman's health max mix) with 8 oz of unsweetened almond milk.

    I eat the egg white burritos at least once a day 270 calories.

    I mix up my other two meals:
    sauted shrimp wraps
    salads with fat free dressing
    pb&j on 35 calorie bread with sugar free jelly
    baked Fish
    Grilled veggies
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    I wish I had answers for you, but I am in the same boat...would love to see what people suggest...
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    sandkrain--can you make your diary public? Can we start there?
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    since your diary is not open it's hard to say. maybe it's what you're eating not necessarily the calories. make sure you're not going completely overboard on fat and your sodium is staying within range.
  • TimeForMe99
    TimeForMe99 Posts: 309
    My stats are similar to yours - 5'1.5" and 47yo, with about 40 to lose. My MFP calc is 1420 per day, plus exercise. Have you run the calculations? A 1lb gain is pretty small and could be just water or an increase from your workout routine.

    To lose, you just need to figure out what your body requires in a day and eat less. 500 calories deficit per day will yield a 1 lb loss per week on average. Many people believe that exercise calories are overstated so start with 50% and work up from there. Eat as much as you can to maintain a healthy loss. It's much easier on your body and on your daily life.

    Don't worry about the "starvation mode" theories. There is no one calorie level that is too low for everyone, but eating very little makes it hard to get all of the nutrition you need.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Perhaps you underestimated your calories.
  • smwooley
    smwooley Posts: 133 Member
    Have you figured out your BMR and TDEE? You may still be eating too little. (Stress, the may!) If you are exercising that often, I'm willing to guess that you should be eating more. Another question...if you are not doing strict TDEE, do you eat back your exercise calories? I know MANY people that have lost eating their TDEE - 20% or even -10%. I'm working my way up to that. Currently I eat 1500 calories and ALL of my exercise calories. And I know I'm still eating too little...
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
  • smwooley
    smwooley Posts: 133 Member
    Oh, and one more comment...if you fiddle with your calories, give it 4-6 weeks. That's how long it can take a body to adjust. If this is your first week at 1500 calories and you gained a pound, I wouldn't worry about it. Same thing happened to me, then I lost 4 the next week. Obviously, everyone's different, but don't give up too early in the game...it takes time.
  • Dcioby73
    Dcioby73 Posts: 18 Member
    What is your weekly calorie deficit?

    I think many people do great Monday-Thursday, so they have like a 2000 calorie deficit between those four days combined, then on Friday they splurge (get some dessert and a couple of drinks when they go out) which puts them at a surplus of 1000 for that day. On Saturday maybe another surplus of 500 calories, and on Sunday about break even.

    So you got a net deficit of only 500 calories, which basically amounts to just about nothing, although you ve done GREAT Monday-Thursday. It would take about 7 weeks to even see a one lb loss.

    So, my example may be a bit extreme, but then again, it may not be. I know tons of people who give up on their fitness goals for this exact reason. Lack of consistency in terms of being under their caloric goal 80-90% of the days. I know I ve been guilty of this fallacy many times in my life.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Have you figured out your BMR and TDEE? You may still be eating too little. (Stress, the may!) If you are exercising that often, I'm willing to guess that you should be eating more. Another question...if you are not doing strict TDEE, do you eat back your exercise calories? I know MANY people that have lost eating their TDEE - 20% or even -10%. I'm working my way up to that. Currently I eat 1500 calories and ALL of my exercise calories. And I know I'm still eating too little...

    What she said ^^

    It's important to accuratley track EVERYTHING. And to find out your actual TDEE
    And to be really honest with yourself.
    Plus one month isn't very long. Generally when I start my weight loss attempts it takes about two months to get into the swing of things and I must be VERY consistent.

    I'm also 5'1" (yay shorties!!) I have about 20lbs to go but I've lost about 50 in total since I started to care about my weight in 2006.

    I did the 1200 and lots of exercise and I lost but I think I did it too fast in the beginning.
    Yes it's lovely to see the pounds go away quickly but what it can do to your body is sad.

    Check out this TDEE calculator!


    I've had success (and I think others have to) with doing TDEE - 20%
    That includes eating back at least half if not all exercise calories. I got a HRM to get a more accurate calorie count and that has helped too.

    I have success when I'm being consistant and realistic with food. Measuring and weighing so on.
    I also have had success and fun trying out new things to eat and trying out new exercises.
  • ericaforsure
    I'm 5foot 3 and have stuck to 1200 calories a day for 78 days now and I'm never hungry. I used to be a big eater and I found it hard at first but I'm just learning to be wiser with my calories! I have three big meals a day and nice snacks every so often :-). Look into low calorie food that you enjoy. Substitute chips for new potatoes, sweets for sultanas, high calories crisps for a low calorie alternative and try out stuff like 10 calorie jellies! Helps me keep on track and I never go hungry :-) good luck!!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Are you weighing your food, especially food like meat, cheese?
    Are you measuring any oils you use in cooking?

    I would want to be really careful on that.
  • ericaforsure
    I'm 5foot 3 and have stuck to 1200 calories a day for 78 days now and I'm never hungry. I used to be a big eater and I found it hard at first but I'm just learning to be wiser with my calories! I have three big meals a day and nice snacks every so often :-). Look into low calorie food that you enjoy. Substitute chips for new potatoes, sweets for sultanas, high calories crisps for a low calorie alternative and try out stuff like 10 calorie jellies! Helps me keep on track and I never go hungry :-) good luck!!
  • denisegetskinny
    denisegetskinny Posts: 21 Member
    so true, that's me, good Mon-Thurs then splurge on the weekend, I maintain but don't lose
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It sounds like you are doing fine. 1500 on average for a woman of your height and age is probably about right. You may just be gaining water weight if the exercise is new, or if you are perimenopausal you may be gaining just because your hormones are wacked right now.

    I'd continue with your current plan a few more weeks. I was just under 50 when I got off my lazy bum and started exercising again and it was a full month before I saw any loss. It was frustrating but I stuck with it.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    so true, that's me, good Mon-Thurs then splurge on the weekend, I maintain but don't lose

    Ths was me for a long time.
    I love beer and was not tracking it. Holy Cats!!

    Luckily most of the delicious craft beers I enjoy are in the database so I can log them and, while i may not be able to drink as many in one weekend, I can still enjoy them.

    I feel much better when I don't go crazy with food and drink and was so proud of myself when I was consistent and actually saw results. YAY!

    So - I would get SO ANNOYED with people ar work who are like "don't go to the gym... it's Friday! (or Monday lol)"
    Or You ate well for two days, lets go out to eat!

    C'mon people....
  • sandkrain
    sandkrain Posts: 78 Member
    OK, just changed my Diary setting to PUBLIC (for now...)! THANKS.
  • sandkrain
    sandkrain Posts: 78 Member
    sandkrain--can you make your diary public? Can we start there?
    OK, just changed my Diary setting to PUBLIC! THANKS.
  • sandkrain
    sandkrain Posts: 78 Member
    Really appreciate the feedback. THANK YOU