Question about logging insanity workouts

Ok, so when I do the plyometric cardio circuit or the cardio power and resistance workouts, I just put like circuit training, or whatever. But what about the pure cardio workout, or the cardio recovery one? Should I just log it in MFP as generic cardio? It seems like it's a bit more intense than just an elliptical workout or something. What do you guys log it as?


  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    I would log it as Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort
  • cristynfaye
    cristynfaye Posts: 88 Member
    Hmm...ok. It looks like calisthenics burn the same amount of calories for the length of my workout today (I did both the pure cardio and the cardio recovery), so I just logged it all as circuit training anyway. I'm not sure how accurate the calorie burn amounts are in the MFP exercise diary thingie.
  • KMiller880
    KMiller880 Posts: 21 Member
    There can be a big difference. I use a heart rate monitor to log my calorie burn and sometimes MFP will say that I burned 180 calories when it is really closer to 300 or more. It's different for everyone though.
  • cristynfaye
    cristynfaye Posts: 88 Member
    There can be a big difference. I use a heart rate monitor to log my calorie burn and sometimes MFP will say that I burned 180 calories when it is really closer to 300 or more. It's different for everyone though.

    Yeah, I need to get one of those. But I'm a poor unemployed college student, so I'll have to wait till I get some more monies. But that's probably my best bet, if I want an accurate count, I guess. Thanks for the advice!