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Getting the most out of theTreadmill

Recently received a nice treadmill from my sister and I just wanted to know how to get the best use out of it? Should I start off with walking long periods of time, or running for short? should I put on an incline when walking? Should I go fast then slow then fast then slow? Not quite sure

Want to make sure I don't waste time doing not much on it! haha


  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I would just turn it off and go outside.
  • Chriztii
    Chriztii Posts: 94
    I would just turn it off and go outside.

    And that does not answer my question, please don't comment if you're not actually answering because I did not ask what is better running on a treadmill and running outside I asked how to get the best use out of the treadmill :)
  • Treadmills are great for a couple of reasons firstly some people don't feel comfortable running and are self conscious about how some people see them out in public.
    And in winter you can do a 20 min session before work and 20 min after work easily which is great if you have kids or are time poor.

    I started off with walking then upped the incline then started nice and slow at 6km then worked up to longer times and then faster intervals.

    I couldn't of dreamed that I could do those cruisy evening runs in summer that I do now but I'm glad I had the treadmill to get me started.

    Things to watch if u start running

    Good shoes with good support for your gait.
    Take it easy listen to your body specially knees and ankles, rest or take a step back if u are feeling discomfort.

    Enjoy it u will be surprised how fast u get into it.
  • Chriztii
    Chriztii Posts: 94
    Treadmills are great for a couple of reasons firstly some people don't feel comfortable running and are self conscious about how some people see them out in public.
    And in winter you can do a 20 min session before work and 20 min after work easily which is great if you have kids or are time poor.

    I started off with walking then upped the incline then started nice and slow at 6km then worked up to longer times and then faster intervals.

    I couldn't of dreamed that I could do those cruisy evening runs in summer that I do now but I'm glad I had the treadmill to get me started.

    Things to watch if u start running

    Good shoes with good support for your gait.
    Take it easy listen to your body specially knees and ankles, rest or take a step back if u are feeling discomfort.

    Enjoy it u will be surprised how fast u get into it.

    Great! thanks! :) I feel very self conscious when running outside because of how unfit I actually am. Whenever someone looks at me I feel like I am running too slow and then my breathing goes out of whack and I end up walking haha.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Does the treadmill have its own programmes? I just got a new treadmill today (upgraded the 9yo one I had) & it has all different programmes that have incline/speed etc.
    To get the most of it, use it every other day or every day.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    It completely depends on what your goals are.

    Do you want to run long distances? Do you want to improve your speed?
    Are you training for a sport or an event like a 5k?
    Just using it for a calorie burn?

    Do you have time to do long runs or are you likely to be just grabbing 20 minutes here and there?

    Very different benefits from training at different intensity and duration - you might find researching heart rate zone training interesting.
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    There are several things you can do on a treadmill. Of course there's walking but that can get pretty boring after awhile. I generally walk for 30 minutes in the evening a few times a week after work. I also do interval treadmill running at least twice a week. My runs start with me walking at level 4 and increasing the speed after a minute until I reach level 8 or 9 depending on my mood. I continue this cycle for at least 20 minutes. Some experts state that you should increase the incline to level 1 or 2 to simulate outdoors walking or running. You can always increase it higher if you want to. Another suggestion is to walk at a moderate pace with 5 lb dumbbells in each hand doing curls and overhead lifts every other minute. I hope these ideas help. Enjoy your treadmill.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    The two major factors in burning calories on a treadmill are distance and incline. Speed is relatively irrelevant. You will burn approximately the same amount of calories over a given distance no matter how fast you go, but it will take you longer to cover said distance as you slow down. Figure out how long you want to dedicate to the treadmill and find a pace that is challenging but doable and try to keep that. As someone else mentioned, carrying dumbells can increase the burn as well. Higher inclines will burn more calories, but can put a lot of strain on knees and calves, particularly if you're not used to it. Intervals with high and low inclines, or a steady incline fo 2-3% would be effective.
  • Chriztii
    Chriztii Posts: 94
    Very interesting, yes my goal is to burn calories for now and I do get a long period of time so with these comments the best thing it seems is to walk with a incline for a long period of time maybe holding 1kg weights? I think that sounds good. Yes it does have inbuilt programs, I was going to try those too :) Thanks for the advice!
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    The two major factors in burning calories on a treadmill are distance and incline. Speed is relatively irrelevant. You will burn approximately the same amount of calories over a given distance no matter how fast you go, but it will take you longer to cover said distance as you slow down. Figure out how long you want to dedicate to the treadmill and find a pace that is challenging but doable and try to keep that. As someone else mentioned, carrying dumbells can increase the burn as well. Higher inclines will burn more calories, but can put a lot of strain on knees and calves, particularly if you're not used to it. Intervals with high and low inclines, or a steady incline fo 2-3% would be effective.

    No, HIIT workouts will increase your metabolism for the entire day. With a treadmill she can sprint, jog, sprint, jog, and sprint to boost her heart rate. This will increase thermogenesis by exercising, just another word for metabolism.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Scientific study below if anyone is interested on endurance training vs HIIT. I only read the abstract but it said that those who did who did HIIT burned more fat than endurance even though the endurance people ran twice as far and had 5 extra weeks of training. Some key words for those that dont know, Adiposty is another word for fat and both beta oxidation and lipid oxidation means fat burning.

  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    I just made my training thing up. My goal is to run for 30 minutes nonstop. I did the first day to see how long I could run, and used that as my base point.

    I do a 5 minute walking warm up with the incline on 2. Do my run, incline on 2. I add a minute to my run each week. Then I walk the rest of the 35 minutes increasing the incline every minute walking as fast as I can.

    Once I hit the 30 minute run I will work on my speed.

    Probably not the best way to go about things, but it's working for me.
  • iCupCakeNZ
    iCupCakeNZ Posts: 228 Member
    If you want you could try the C25K on the treadmill :) If you're like me and are just a beginner on there (or working out in general) then the C25K is a great app to use :) it basically helps you burn calories as well as slowly giving you the strength to change from walking to jogging to running :) and you only need to do it 3 times a week :)
  • tracybewick
    tracybewick Posts: 39
    Google 'treadmill shredmill' it's a great 45 min workout with various speeds and inclines (mostly fast walking!) it's a good calorie burn and you can always start a little slower than it says.

    It gives me something set out rather than just 'making it up as I go along'....I'm a gym bunny but still find i burn up a sweat but also good for those just starting out.

    Good luck with it
    Tracy x
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It's a device that let's you walk or run in place. Let's not over think this. Cut it on and walk or run on it.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    Interval training is what I like best. I follow a program similar to C25K but it's by John Bingham and I like it better. I didn't like C25K. I bought one of his books and it has a ton of programs in it. All are intervals but some are walking 5k all the way up to 1/2 marathon running.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    It's a device that let's you walk or run in place. Let's not over think this. Cut it on and walk or run on it.

    my god, YES
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Running burns more calories than walking, and the longer you run the more you burn. Just make sure you warm up by walking for 3-5 minutes before you run, then walk another 3-5 minutes after to cool down. The incline is useful to approximate real world condition (hills etc.), so use it when you feel you can handle it.

    To give you a sense of purpose and achievement, it's better to also get a C25K program. You will have something to strive for, and you will feel really good when you can finally run a 5K.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I would just turn it off and go outside.

    And that does not answer my question, please don't comment if you're not actually answering because I did not ask what is better running on a treadmill and running outside I asked how to get the best use out of the treadmill :)


    The best use would be to return it and get a refund.
  • Wizard87
    Wizard87 Posts: 21 Member
    It's all a tradeoff, really. If you want to build speed, usually you start with little or no incline and work on doing the same distance faster and faster. Want to build endurance, little or no incline with ever-increasing times. If muscle mass / leg strength is a goal, do increasing inclines, even if not at a very brisk pace. Running on an incline will burn more calories than running on a flat surface, assuming you run at the same speed. But running a set distance will burn no more calories than walking that same distance, unless you change the incline.
    I have an older treadmill that let me create workouts and feed them into the treadmill. If you look online, there are a lot of sites that outline workouts. It's up to you to actually make those workouts into something your treadmill can use. I've done it with 6-7 workouts, and it's nice to have a variety so I don't get bored. I made some short for days when I don't have much time.