New here

Hi Guys .
Am new here my name is Andy , trying to get my head around dieting ,i started about a month ago by cutting my calories right down to prob less than 1000 a day plus exercising 4 times a week lost a fair bit of weight , now while searching the internet i came across the starvation mode ,now this worried me and i realised that i've been doing this completely WRONG !. So i've joined this site entered all my details . The site says that to lose 2 pound a week which is my goal i should be eating around 1,410 calories a day which i am doing now ,but im not sure if this is correct basically im a little confused . Any help would be so apreciated .

Im 41 yrs old
weight 214 pound
height 6.1 ft
body fat 22.41
fat weight 48 pounds
lean weight 166 pounds
BMI 28

Many thanks Andy......


  • upandover34
    upandover34 Posts: 32
    thats pretty similar stats to what i am im a little bit shorter than you and my calories goal is 1490 and i have been losing 2lbs a week pretty much consistently good luck
  • andydigger
    andydigger Posts: 3
    Thanks upandover appreciate that.
  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member
    I don't know much about it bc im learning too but I think you are not eating enough food! :wink: I don't have the link but maybe you can search on the forums the topic about TDEE and BMR