Getting the most out of theTreadmill



  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    The best use of it is to run on it.

    If you are new to running, build up to it with a beginner running program.

    Using it to burn calories by simply walking on it is practically a waste of a treadmill.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    I would just turn it off and go outside.

    And that does not answer my question, please don't comment if you're not actually answering because I did not ask what is better running on a treadmill and running outside I asked how to get the best use out of the treadmill :)


    The best use would be to return it and get a refund.

    Agrees with both of Player's posts.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i know plenty of people that have completed couch to 5k with a treadmill... then go outside to run and can't make it half a mile.


    why you would run on a treadmill when you have a perfectly good outdoors is beyond me. and you know what? i see all people of all shapes and sizes and levels of fitness outside running.

    there is this old man, probably three days older than dirt. i see him running all the time. it's really more of a little trot. but the guy is going.

    this one woman was walking and i passed her, and then a minute later she sprinted past me... then slowed to a walk. she did this for a few minutes. i passed her and then she sprinted as far ahead of me as she could. i was glad to be a part of her fartlek work out.

    and don't get me started on the people that look like they're having a seizure when they run. arms flailing off to the side, one eye closed, head bobbing.

    man, i don't even want to know what i look like when i'm running... well, i kinda know because i've seen race pictures. you know what? i don't care. i'm out there running, just like all my brothers and sisters out there.
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    Are you interested in running? There are wonderful couch to 5k programs online that can help you work toward that goal.

    I use a treadmill at the gym. 5 minutes warm up where I gradually increase my pace, then I up the incline, but only a bit (to protect my knees mostly). Then I do a sort of interval based on the music I listen to. However, I don't run. It's rough on my knees. I work on the treadmill for about 35 minutes then cool back down for 5 minutes gradually lowering the incline and speed.

    This is a good workout for me now because it's helping me increase my endurance for more rigorous activity (kick boxing, step, bootcamp, spinning, etc).
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Treadmills are great for a couple of reasons firstly some people don't feel comfortable running and are self conscious about how some people see them out in public.
    And in winter you can do a 20 min session before work and 20 min after work easily which is great if you have kids or are time poor.

    I started off with walking then upped the incline then started nice and slow at 6km then worked up to longer times and then faster intervals.

    I couldn't of dreamed that I could do those cruisy evening runs in summer that I do now but I'm glad I had the treadmill to get me started.

    Things to watch if u start running

    Good shoes with good support for your gait.
    Take it easy listen to your body specially knees and ankles, rest or take a step back if u are feeling discomfort.

    Enjoy it u will be surprised how fast u get into it.

    Great! thanks! :) I feel very self conscious when running outside because of how unfit I actually am. Whenever someone looks at me I feel like I am running too slow and then my breathing goes out of whack and I end up walking haha.

    Sorry, I can't really help with your treadmill issue as I can't stand the damned things myself.

    My suggestion is that you should really try to stop worrying about people looking at you when you're exercising. Nobody really cares much if you're fat, fit, hot, ugly, missing a limb, etc. And why would you give a flying F if they do, anyway?

    Too many people let ridiculous, self-conscious thoughts like these get in the way of actually doing some work. Once upon a time,I was really fat and had to actually work out in front of people. These days I'm not as fat as I was then, but I'm still fat. And I still work out in front of people every damned day. Nobody has ever made an offensive comment to me, or one that I could actually hear. It's all good! Don't feel like you need to hide from the world inside your house on your treadmill. :flowerforyou:
  • averytds
    averytds Posts: 64 Member
    I do 15 or 20 minute intervals after lifting on my lift days. Other than that, I have a treadmill desk set-up for doing anything pc related, online shopping, forum browsing, etc. Lets me get a few more miles in where I would normally have spent that time sitting.
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    walking- yes, on an incline. The higher the better.
    Running- do sprints. 12-15 minutes. 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off
  • mararabb
    mararabb Posts: 37 Member
    "why you would run on a treadmill when you have a perfectly good outdoors is beyond me"

    I would much rather run outside than on a treadmill, but we're looking at purchasing one. My husband prefers to walk while he watched tv. For me, there are days when running outside isn't really an option so a treadmill would help me keep a better schedule. It also gives me a place to run when the kids schedules keep me busy enough that I can go out until 9 or 10 at night. I've been doing it, but it's not really safe. Then there's always the weather to consider.
  • iSarahMay
    iSarahMay Posts: 28
    I would just turn it off and go outside.

    Can't agree more with the above post!!!

    Whether is is sunny or snowy nothing beats running/walking in the fresh air..
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Recently received a nice treadmill from my sister and I just wanted to know how to get the best use out of it? Should I start off with walking long periods of time, or running for short? should I put on an incline when walking? Should I go fast then slow then fast then slow? Not quite sure

    Want to make sure I don't waste time doing not much on it! haha

    You can do all of those things. Part of the answer depends on your goals and your fitness level. Whatever you do, you have to match the intensity of your effort to your fitness level.

    Ex: if one has the ability to run for 20 min at a 10 or 11 min/mile pace, then walking 3.0 mph on level is not going to do much for you.

    A treadmill does give you the ability to walk at incline. This can be a good alternative to running, even if you like to run. (By "alternative", I don't mean to imply that running is bad--this just provides more variety). Walking at slower speeds up relatively steep inclines can burn a lot of calories without the pounding your legs get from running. Some people might not be able to run every day, but they could work out more frequently by throwing in some incline walking. The keys to incline walking are: A) keep the speed relatively low (e.g. 3.0 mph or less at first) and the incline high (e.g. 9+ %) and B) do not use the handrails for support. Handrail support negates a significant percentage of the workload.

    You can also do a variety of walk/run intervals, or slow/fast running intervals.

    And then there is good, old-fashioned endurance training.

    All have benefits. All types should be included in your routine.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Very interesting, yes my goal is to burn calories for now and I do get a long period of time so with these comments the best thing it seems is to walk with a incline for a long period of time maybe holding 1kg weights? I think that sounds good. Yes it does have inbuilt programs, I was going to try those too :) Thanks for the advice!

    Don't bother with weights. Holding weights adds almost nothing to the workout. At your age, you should be able to run or do various combinations of run/walk interval workouts. That, and incline walking will do much, much more for you than carrying weights.

    The only time hand weights have any value at all is for someone who needs to increase the intensity of the workout, cannot run, and can only walk on level ground. And it's not the weights that help, it's the exaggerated arm swing that accounts for most of the increase in intensity.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Try a program called C25K (couch to 5K). It's an interval training program that takes you from no activity to running a 5K in 8 weeks. Good running shoes are a must and it wouldn't hurt to find a trainer that can help you start out with good running form (or just do some research) to minimize risk of pulled muscles, etc. I hadn't run since middle school (I'm 50 now) and I started this program and love it! You can do it on the treadmill or outside so it's very flexible. It progresses to more running weekly but if you don't feel you're ready to advance, just repeat the week you just completed. It's an app you can download onto a smart phone or you can just print out the stages and time them yourself on the treadmill.

    Good luck!
  • blakerb29
    blakerb29 Posts: 74
    Not looked through the thread so sorry if already said or irrelevant however..

    30 mins or more is recommended.

    A steady pace with a high incline is very good for calories and fat burning, an example would be 11% incline and 5kph speed.

    HIIT ( High intensity interval training) has now been proven to be more effective for losing fat and keeping it off than the reputable incline technique.
    An example of incorporating this to a treadmill would be 6.5kph for 1 minute and then 17.5kph for 1 minute and repeat..
    The HIIT example is purely that though, an example.
    It completely depends on your fitness, size etc.

    In my opinion and from educated folks i have spoke to about this stuff, these are the two best methods for getting the most from a treadmill.
  • JaneInKansas
    JaneInKansas Posts: 82 Member
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I read that setting the incline to 1% is closer to outside conditions. I do run outsidfe AND I have a treadmill. I mostly use the treadmill in the winter. I'm NOT trying to run with the snowplows! I find something good on TV, or rent a movie, and hop on. Walking, running, hills, intervals...whatever I feel like doing. I watch TV, and because I'm not focusing on my time, I can get in 45-60 minutes. If it's a really good movie, I'll add more time:laugh: Gives me incentive to do it the next day, so I can finish watching my movie!! Low speed and high incline is a awesome wokout that I find is less stressing on my knees and it does wonderful things for your legs and butt!!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    If it's calorie burn, then with the time you have set aside, just keep increasing the pace/incline until can't quite do it all at that pace, then increase again when you can :).
    I suspect it'll work even better if you throw in some 'efforts', 'hill reps' or similar, where you increase the pace/elevation for periods, then rest and repeat. You can still do the same thing where each time you do it, you increase the elevation/speed, or decrease the rest periods etc.

    And yes, there ARE plenty of good reasons to use a treadmill over 'the outdoors' - maybe kids in the house, food being cooked, worried about the neighbourhood etc.
  • tvoice000
    tvoice000 Posts: 1
    down load the couch to 5k app on you phone it will train you with intervals and eventually u can run and you can do it at ur on pace i start at 3.0 i eventuallt want to get up to 5.0 not sure how long it will take me
  • rshcraig
    rshcraig Posts: 53
    I think its sad how many people are responding just to knock the User and the treadmill. Just because YOU can overcome your self consciousness or whatever it is you need to get past to run or walk outside doesn't mean everyone can. Any movement is better than no movement right? Stop being so judgemental people. If you don't like/use a treadmill, just don't respond to posts about how to use one. I'm new here but I was under the impression that this site was for motivation, not mocking and ridicule.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Just to take the opposite side of the argument, however...
    On a motorcycle forum a new female rider was looking to get a new scooter as she didn't like riding her geared motorcycle into London.
    A lot of people said "just get used to your geared bike" despite the fact she didn't "want" to do this.
    I met her a few days ago, buying a bike of her other half - she'd taken the advice, was now much more confident on her geared bike and pleased she hadn't done what she "wanted" to.

    I see this as a site for useful advice.
    I don't want to be motivated to do something that isn't considered good.