I can't loose any weight, HELP



  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I eat 1800-2000 calories a day and am losing weight. I also eat junk food just about every day, but in moderation (most of the time). I generally have one treat like a 1/4 cup of chocolate covered blueberries, I totally understand the sweet tooth thing because I have one too.

    What has helped me was upping my calories to a more appropriate level, lifting heavy weight and not worrying about what the scale says but instead I take my measurements and go by how my clothes feel. I have been at this for 18 months and have lost over 45 lbs and put on 12 lbs of muscle. Putting on muscle helps to raise your BMR/TDEE (google those terms if you don't know what they are) which means I get to eat more and still lost weight.

    The other thing that has helped me was raising changing my macronutrient goals on here. Instead of the very small amount of protein MFP recommends I eat between 100-150 grams per day. Eating more protein keeps me feeling satisfied and less bingey.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    And you definitely will not bulk up from weights. Weights are a woman's best friend, especially heavy weights.
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member

    Here is a list of good and clean foods that you might want to try. Vegetables are considered a "free" food and you usually don't even have to count those calories.
  • Yes the coco pops I bought them before I decided to loose weight, so I feel I have to finish them, once again student budget. Yeah my calories are set to 1200, which I find ridiculously low, but I never eat over 2000, which is what women are supposed to eat.

    most women need between 1200-1500 cals depending on activity level. only eat 2000 if u are really active and thats still just to maintain, gotta cut to the 1200 if you wanna lose. cardio is also ur best friend. . .:)
  • Natfacestuff
    Natfacestuff Posts: 19 Member
    it's been a month???

    gee, i wonder what happens to women ONCE A MONTH that might cause bloating, water retention, loss or excessive appetite...

    Santa comes?

    Love this!!
  • Natfacestuff
    Natfacestuff Posts: 19 Member
    I have to say thank you to everyone, I will look up these terms, and reconsider my work outs, or add to them a bit more. Hopefully next month, when santa comes :P , I will see some good results!
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    I have to say thank you to everyone, I will look up these terms, and reconsider my work outs, or add to them a bit more. Hopefully next month, when santa comes :P , I will see some good results!
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    It still amazes me that people believe the myth that if, as a woman you lift weights you will 'bulk up'. Women do not produce enough testosterone to bulk up. You need to get it from artificial sources (i.e steroids) to 'bulk up' as a female, unless you are a genetic freak that is. Sure you can add muscle and lose fat naturally but that will only make you look better not bulky at all.

    OP 1200 is horribly low. I couldn't stick to that. I did try when I first joined MFP for a few weeks, wasn't for me at all. I would suggest you do a bit of research and find out your BMI and make sure you never eat below this amount. Eat more when you exercise. A lot of processed sweet carby food will leave you craving more an hour or so after eating. I had to ditch things like that for that very reason. Eat more protein, less processed food, loads of water and make sure you eat some healthy fats, that may help with your cravings and sweet tooth.
  • GFielding_56
    GFielding_56 Posts: 76 Member
    It's all about balance... intake vs output - If you eat too many calories for your height/weight you'll put on weight if you stay under your 'calorie' goal and increase your exercise you should lose weight. It may take you a little bit to get there but you can.

    To lose 1lb in weight you need to lose 3500 calories roughly 500 calories per day - you can do this by restricting what you eat or by increasing your exercise.

    I started my 'campaign' in December, started watching what I ate/drank logging everything and trying to stay under my recommended 1800 per day. I've also started walking every lunchtime for around 40-50 mins and again sometimes in the evening.

    To date I've lost over 2 stones - feel great on it - hoping to lose a bit more before going on an all inclusive holiday.

    Good luck - message me if you want more details of what I've been doing - I'd recommend porridge for breakfast - cuts out the need for a mid morning snack - I also usually put a banana in it - total calories 313.
  • htecm
    htecm Posts: 41
    Portions are a very important part of it. nuts & seeds come to 1 oz and cheese also. cooked pastas come to 1 oz regardless what the package says. weigh your meats to just 3 oz. and 1/2 cup fruits 1/2 cup veggies. All this is just a serving size. If you ovr do it, over do it on non starchy veggies. Make a big 3 Cup salad (already mixed at walmart), and add a cup of frozen peas (they thaw quickly while your eating the lettuce), an apple (1), and measure out 2.74 oz sweet onions. Then add 3-4 Tbs of your fav dressing. I choose ranch. They also have spritzers (spray bottles of dressing) for much less cals. This salad will fill you up to the brim./ Also drink much water. Find a small container to keep baby carrots in (2 cups) and use these in between meals they will keep you going when you get a craving to munch. I hope this helps you. But yeah, measure, measure, measure, portions portions portions. VERY IMPORTANT. Wishing you much luck! Toodles.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Yes the coco pops I bought them before I decided to loose weight, so I feel I have to finish them, once again student budget. Yeah my calories are set to 1200, which I find ridiculously low, but I never eat over 2000, which is what women are supposed to eat.

    most women need between 1200-1500 cals depending on activity level. only eat 2000 if u are really active and thats still just to maintain, gotta cut to the 1200 if you wanna lose. cardio is also ur best friend. . .:)
    Not this... weight training is everyone's best friend, especially heavy weight training. The heavier you lift the stronger you get. And don't worry about gaining any new muscle mass because you are in a calorie deficit. You can't add mass unless you eat enough to create a surplus... what strength training does is help maintain your muscle so you need to lose less weight to get fit and lean.

    Cardio is good for heart health and burning calories but too much cardio can cause you to lose muscle. Weight training will help prevent this. Additionally, there is no fat burning zone. It doesn't matter if you walk, run or do HIIT you will burn calories. Some exercises burn more calories than others but some exercises also burn calories post workout.

    The best advice, set a moderate deficit (1 lb per week) and eat back some of your exercise calories or just eat 1700 calories daily and monitor progress. If you average 1 lb per week then your tdee is 2300 calories. Tdee = maintenance.

    Additional, add a lot more protein. You should aim to get 1 g of protein per lb of lean body mass or about 70-80% of your body weight in grams of protein.
  • linalovekitty
    linalovekitty Posts: 187
    you are probably eating too much.