Plateau weight

Hi I have being using my fitness pal for some time now but am struggling to loose weight. I have lost 6lbs from my heighest weight but I currently weigh 159lbs and am 5"11 but would like to be back down to 147lbs so I have 12lbs to loose, I exercise atleast 5 days a week and eat all the right things lots of water,fruit,veg,turkey,nuts I just don't seem to loose any weight it's so fustrating. Does anyone have any other recommendations?

I usually consume about 1000-1200 calories and burn off atleast 400 every day. I go on holiday in 2 weeks and really want to loose 6lbs to get under 11stone.



  • ChrystalDutton
    ChrystalDutton Posts: 84 Member
    try eating more... I upped my cals to 1350 from 1100-1200 and started loosing again. Lots of protein, fiber and water as well! sounds counterproductive but when your body is in starvation mode it will hold on to everything and you wont loose an ounce! good luck!
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Are you accurately weighing/measuring your meals, snacks, etc.?
  • ellesse123
    ellesse123 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you Crystal and well done youe weight loss that is amazing progress. I have read that before it's just hard to get my head around that eating more will make me loose weight. I'm not ever hungry on what I eat now but I will try and increase my meals slightly.

    Ken I don't tend to weigh my meals only breakfast if I have porridge/cereal. I don't eat many carbs either, I tend to go more by calorie intake which I find easy to measure,
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    You're not eating enough. At the very least eat your workout calories back. You should really try to net more than 1200.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I would first start with weighing your foods to be as accurate as you can. Sometimes this makes a world of difference for people. (It certainly did for me).

    Second, if your calories are accurate, you are not eating enough. You're netting under 800 calories. This is not a healthy plan, and your body will really fight you in releasing any extra weight.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I think you may be netting too few calories. I say "think" because I am not an expert. But I am 5'5" and I eat 1600-1700. After I exercise, that nets me around 1300-1400.

    Also, if you are not measuring food, I would suggest it. I bought a cheap food scale from Walmart for $5. For my snacks and veggies, I measure and weigh them out into snack size zip lock bags as soon as I buy them. For my common foods, like meats and stuff, I would measure every day. Now I can kind of eyeball it, but still measure every other week or so to be sure I am not over doing it. It really helps keep you accurate.