Happy Geek Pride Day! (May 25th)

lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member

Geek Pride Day has been celebrated since 2006, when it originated in Spain as "Día del Orgullo Friki.” “Day of Geek Pride” in Spanish.

3 Reasons To Geek Out on May 25th

It’s Towel Day, the day two weeks after Douglas Adams’ passed in 2001 in which fans celebrate by keeping a towel handy a la The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy.

It’s the anniversary of the very first Star Wars movie, Episode IV: A New Hope, which was released on May 25, 1977.

It marks the Glorious 25th of May, on which fans of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books wear lilac and raise awareness of Alzheimer’s, following the author’s 2007 diagnosis.

Greek Pride Day 2013 survey done by Modis. Omnibus survey in support of Geek Pride Day (May 25th, 2013)
regarding Americans’ perception of geeks, personal passions and hobbies, and technology.Full survey url: http://bit.ly/12urpcS

Some of the highlights from the survey:

-a vast majority of Americans (90%) said they would happily show off their “geek” books and comics.

-65% said they would take pride in their “geek” toys such as stuffed animals and action figures, and a similar majority (65 percent) is proud of their superhero or cartoon character clothing.

- some Americans (13%) say they do, in fact, “sneak their geek,” and hide their potentially embarrassing interests – most often from their neighbors (72 %) and their co-workers (70%). (I HIDE NOTHING!!!!!!)

-Americans also hide from: Friends(63%) Significant others (32%) 32%?! this makes me sad:frown: Parents (28%)

-61% of self-described geeks said they would buy and wear a “smart watch,” a computerized wristwatch with Smartphone functionality

- 56% would do the same with “smart glasses,” which have Smartphone and camera functionality. But that attitude extends beyond the geek set as more than a third (37%) of self-described “non-geeks” are also interested in buying and wearing a smart watch and a similar amount (35 %) feel the same way about smart glasses.
I would wear a smart watch but meh about the glasses, unless they look like Geordi's from Star Trek TNG.

-Geeks are intelligent, loyal, and dateable. Ladies, how you doin'?:smile:
More than half (58%) of respondents define geeks as extremely intelligent — up from 45% in 2011. The appeal extends beyond intellect as 68% of those surveyed said they would date a geek – perhaps due in part to 67 percent of Americans identifying geeks with being loyal.

-Geeks are more likely to be employed. Being a geek seems to extend into the workplace, as 76% of respondents identified geeks as being hard working and 70% of self-identified geeks surveyed are employed, compared to 54% of their non-geek counterparts.

-Geeks may not be as funny as they think. In some cases, geeks aren’t quite in tune with others’ perceptions of them. For example, though 74% of geeks consider themselves to be funny, only 53% of non-geeks would agree. WHAT?! INCONCEIVABLE!!!:tongue:


  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    Wow I've never heard about this before! Though I'm not into sci-fi I guess I could celebrate this with reading some manga, playing Professor Layton and bringing out some discworld books from my cupboard.
    Oh, and a Harry Potter marathon!
    Also if I had a smartphone watch I would never take it off. That would be one hell of an invention.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Wow I've never heard about this before! Though I'm not into sci-fi I guess I could celebrate this with reading some manga, playing Professor Layton and bringing out some discworld books from my cupboard.
    Oh, and a Harry Potter marathon!
    Also if I had a smartphone watch I would never take it off. That would be one hell of an invention.

    I would definitely wear a smartphone like watch.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I, coincidentally, am meeting with my Dungeons & Dragons group tonight so will be most festive for Geek Pride day :D