

  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Hi. I am 41 and just lost 15#. I aimed for 1/2 a pound a week, as 15# isn't a lot and I wasn't overweight.
    (sometimes people here lose weight at a completely normal rate and think it's slow. be patient. )

    I ate 1400-1600 calories and exercise 2-3 times a week.

    I am now lifting weights and hoping to lose 2-4% body fat.

    (I am 5'6" and went from 148# to 133# after my hysterectomy last year)
  • rhondajoco
    rhondajoco Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 43 and have definitely found it much harder to lose than in younger years.
    I am trying to do C25K also, but am not doing very well with the jogging/running parts yet :ohwell:
    My community is doing a group program, with our end goal of completing a 5k in early July, whether walking, jogging or running so I plan to get there one way or another.
    I know that to really get things moving I need to add strength training, particularly at this age, but for now, I am focusing on getting my food and cardio routine mastered.
    It's great to see so many women my age here. We can do this!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi I'm 44 years old. I'm also 5'2". I've really been struggling with being able to lose weight since I turned 40. I tried what felt like everything. I joined MFP in January, lost 5 pounds the first week, gained 3 of them back over the rest of the month, and in February joined Anytime Fitness and signed on with a trainer. I'm losing weight consistently now, but it's taking a lot more work than it did even in my 30's. I work out 3 times a week for 30 minutes with my trainer (strength training), I'm just starting Week 4 of C25K, and I do other cardio (walk outside, treadmill or bike at gym) on 3 of the days that I don't do C25K. I do take one rest day where I typically just go for a light walk. I eat 1200-1500 calories a day, depending on my activity level and how hungry I am.
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    Hi. I just turned 46 last week. I'm 5'5" and started at 288 lbs. I'm down to 271 as of this morning (snuck on the scale). The weight is coming off, and it feels like it's coming off more slowly now than in the past. I've been on and off diets since I was 8. The last diet was 7 years ago (lost 90 lbs) and I am doing the same diet now as then because it worked pretty well - just watching what I eat, cutting out most processed foods, and really cutting down on sugar/chocolate. With the last diet, once I had a good chunk of weight off, I made the mistake of thinking I could eat like a "normal" person - WRONG! :-)

    So, now I'm starting over, and trying to learn how to do this for good. I usually walk for exercise and on nights when my kids aren't home and my husband works late, I do low impact aerobics in the house. I definitely have noticed that exercise is more of an effort than it used to be but it's getting easier a little at a time. Four weeks ago, it took me half an hour to walk a mile and when I got back to the house, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. This morning, I did it in 19 minutes and I felt pretty good when I was done and I was thinking of going out again later.

    I know I'll never have a "beach body" at this point in my life, but I would love to be able to go somewhere and not feel like I should shrink into the background because of how I look. I'll get there, and it may take me a couple of years, but I'll do it.
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    I am 43 and closing in on 60 pounds lost since September, pics in my profile if interested in before/afters. I lost the first 30 pounds fairly easily with little exercise, that was up to about the end of 2012. I was blindly following MFP calories and was in the 1200 range which was not satisfying and had me stalling, I switched to maintenance calories for a time then to TDEE less 20 percent and added lots of exercise including strength training. I upped my calories to 1600 to 1900 most days, I have lost about 13 pounds since January, which is slower then before but thanks to my exercise I am actually down about 2 full sizes in that time.

    I have about 19-25 pounds I would like to lose and had hoped I would lose this in total by the end of the year, but not sure that will happen now. This is ok, for the most part I am very happy with my loss I am down from a tight 18 last summer to a comfy 10 and a few 8's as well. I also feel I am at a place where my eating habits are realistic and sustainable, and hopefully in a maintenance mode I can eat at or near the top of my current range, ideally 1800-2000 cals daily with some exercise.

    It is my current plan to eat at a deficit through July 4th, then switch to maintenance slowly upping cals to give my body a rest from a 10 month pace of near constant deficit in some quantity. I will sort of allow myself to even gain back a few pounds, then hit it again at then end of summer, fully expecting it to take many months to get to my final goal, which in some ways I have yet to fully identify.

    In the Beginning I was desperate to lose weight fast and that's what I set out to do and given my way I should have with good eating lost very quickly. After I Dropped those first 35 to 40 pounds I felt much more comfortable and was able to settle into a comfortable losing pace which continues today. While I still am very much focused on weight-loss I have come to a place where the number on the scale is not nearly as significant as it was in the beginning. I know continuing on this path is my only option and the weight even though it's coming off slowly is coming off.
  • skinnylynnie74
    skinnylynnie74 Posts: 154 Member
    I will be 39 in a few weeks. My weight loss has plateaued, and I would love to have more friends on here, to motivate me to stay with this! Add me!
  • Zaphyre13
    Zaphyre13 Posts: 51 Member
    42 this year and finding the same slow weight loss at lot of other 40's are finding. Being a shorty does not help too lol
    I love MFP for the awareness it gives me of what I'm fueling my body with. (switched to fat free creamer so I can still drink
    all my coffee) and have *sigh* given up my wine for the most part. I realized most of my calories were liquid form! Good luck ladies!
  • Runninglibrarian13
    Runninglibrarian13 Posts: 57 Member
    43 yr old (5'6 1/2" - that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

    Started my journey on 6/15/10 at my all time heaviest of 253.2... went to weight watchers until July of last year. (Had gotten down as low as 60 lbs gone).... have gained ~30 of that 60 back.

    Right now I'm using bodymedia and MFP... and finally think I have the "trick" to reading my numbers. I enter my food on MFP, but go by what my bodymedia says in terms of calorie burn and deficit.. if I'm at a 500 or more deficit a day, I'm good! (lol)

    Anyway, I'm not giving up... always happy to have friends. :D
  • tasharomie
    tasharomie Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 55, I've lost a total of 16lbs in total so far, but only came back to this site 2 pounds ago. I want to reduce around 50lbs in total, so I will see how things go. I am reducing my carb intake and living on good protient and vegetables. So far it's going good, as I spend a lot of time searching out new meal plans and experimenting with recipes. I can't believe I can eat so much food. But so far so good. Today I added excerise to my plan hoping to get to the next 10.
  • decreasing_me
    I am 41. 5'1 I/2" I started at down to 210. Slow going...but making lifestyle changes that are positively the only way to go. Good luck on the journey!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I'm 37 right now but I'm bound and determined to punch 40 in the throat. Get it ladies!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I just turned 42 on May 13th and is definitely slower to lose weight at this age than it was when I was in my 20's. But....I didn't gain all this weight overnight so I know I'm not going to lose it overnight. I'm not known for my patience so it's not always easy on the mindset to see the scale change numbers so slowly.....but I'm sticking to it and not letting anything get in my way. 10 lbs. down since I started in March and I've lost one dress size. HOLLA!!!!!

    I'm like the little engine that could. I know I can, I know I can, I know I can......

    and you can too!!!!!!

    We have the exact same birthday! I turned 42 on the 13th as well! I think slower loss almost always ends up with more aesthetically pleasing and sustainable results!
  • latanyamckenzie
    latanyamckenzie Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 55 and on the same journey. Our metabolism is not like the young ladies on here so we have to things a little differently then them. It will be a slow journey but it can be done last year I list 18 lbs just by walking. I had to start eating breakfast too because I usually don't. I lost 2 lbs a week in 9 weeks. So we can do it we have to change a few habits.
  • labeachgirl
    labeachgirl Posts: 158 Member
    I'm 42 and the weight has been slow to come off..I plateau for a little while then drop a few pounds, rinse repeat. However, I know exercise for me is the key to weight loss for me (paired with a healthy diet), and if I was more consistent I'd have better results.

    I do find that while I have gotten back to a certain weight I was before, things aren't settling the same way, and things I had at that weight don't quite fit. =oP
  • snowmanluv
    snowmanluv Posts: 200 Member
    Well, so this so slow for me. Short, and 3 kids to boot. Got on here when one my thirty (young) lost 33 pounds since January eating 1200 with 5 vegetables and 2 fruit servings a day. I did really strict and good the first four week. Then lost track the two weeks just because of stuff going on in my life. Back on here again. It's slow. I go between 30ds and c25k. I am also weight lifting in the arms, shoulder, chest, and some legs. I did lose 10.2 inches and my cholesterol went down by 25 points. Something is working just not the pounds. Proud of your weight loss and would trade you if I could.
  • RajaniNairDeb
    Hi, I am 40, 5 ft. 3 inches tall - started my weight watch in August 2012. Have lost 10 lbs since then. Have added running into my routine since November 2013 - on the treadmill. Training for the 5k . The weight loss is slow - but the diet is regular without being excessive. Have a 1200 calorie goal. Manage to stay within that on the weekdays for sure and 50 percent of the time on the weekends too...body is fitter, weight loss slow, skin quality better
  • tammyhiler
    tammyhiler Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am 42, 5'4" - and I changed my views regarding fitness and weight loss about 1 year ago. I've lost about 26 lbs and hired a personal trainer. My blood pressure has returned to normal levels...thank goodness.
    It is definitely harder to loose weight in this decade than in my 30s!!
  • fulaless
    fulaless Posts: 15 Member
    Bump..just started, turned 45, and have a long while to reach my goals.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    So l've recommend this book before by Jackie Warner, "This is Why you are Fat" losing weight and keeping it off over 40. Honest I don't get any perk for recommend it but it's a good book for those of us in our 40s struggling to lose some and get fit.

    Also I'd recommend real weight training in this decade for a variety of benefits.

    I did loose about 10 and had some winter creep of about five pounds and working on that now. There are groups here for everybody....Good luck
  • dbm037
    dbm037 Posts: 125 Member
    I am 48 and started this journey awhile back. I started at 169 and got to 153. but picked some weight back up after taking a few months off. I am wanting to lose 8-10 pounds and it is so slowwww. It must be my metabolism. I eat good and workout 5 days a week. I get so frustrated with my efforts being high and my results being low
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