This week = So hard, Why?

I just need to get this off my chest.

Why am I finding it so hard to resist sugary food this week?:indifferent:

For the past month I have been doing pretty good :tongue: , eating little and often, training twice a day most days, feeling positive etc. This has resulted in a slow but steady weight loss of about 1lb per week and a reduction in my body fat percentage. Although it's slow I was content with this as I'm battling an underactive thyroid (I 'm reluctant to take medication for it) so the fact that I've managed to stop gaining weight is a huge step forward for me.

However, this week in particular I have just found it so hard to stay on track food wise. Maybe it's because TOM is due imminently or maybe it's just my will power that's not as strong as it was but I'm just finding it so hard!

I'm not sure if I'm annoyed, fed up, tired or what but please, if anyone has any words of wisdom or advice or anything at all I would really appreciate it. :sad: :huh:


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Just know you are not alone in feeling this way, as we all have days, weeks (months?) that it is just harder. Only advice is to take it one meal at a time and keep your goals where you see them every day. If you are capable of allowing yourself something you are craving, but just the tiniest of tiny portions, then satisfy your urge. Unfortunately, I don't have that capability, so either just blow it or just stay away from it depending on my willpower level! Good luck to you!
  • jlcanon
    jlcanon Posts: 21
    I think this is every woman's problem at some point during the month. Cravings can be controlled. Try chewing some sugar free gum, eat what you crave just count it in your calorie budget for the day, wait 10 minutes and the craving will go away, drink a full glass of ice water, brush your teeth, do an activity, do some crunches or push ups to get your heart pumping, Sugar free snacks like sugar free jello, frozen snacks that are sugar free, call a friend to get your mind off it, pull out an outfit that is too big for you know and hang it on your fridge or near you so you can see it. Hope this helps!
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    I always always have problems the week before and during my TOM (half the month, fantastic!) i always try to work in a small salty or chocolaty snack into my calories for the day during that time or I just end up frustrated and eating way more stuff than I want to.