Finally Back On Track!!!!!

Well it took long enough but today is my second consecutive day without any cheating or binging for many many months. I was doing so well but once I got within 25-30 lbs of my goal I started to binge and have problems up to and including purging my binges.

So two days without binging, purging, or cheating. Just the right amount of food for my body. I feel great about this but I am scared of losing control again. I would really appreciate some advice on how to continue on this path.

I don't want to be out of control anymore.


  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    I don't have any advice, I just want to wish you the best. I've been struggling for 3 months now, after having been at goal and maintaining continuing to log. Feel I am back on track a couple days and struggle again with the stress eating and binging, not to discourage you, but needing advice for myself. Regained about 14 pounds in 3 months and really discouraging me. I know I've got to be the one to gain back control. I've even be to the point of saying, why try any more. I'm still logging good and bad.
  • MsKriss281
    MsKriss281 Posts: 91 Member
    Advice? Honestly just take it one day at a time. Great job on staying on track the last few days. I lost control as well, but unlike you, was not near my goal just had a few too many things pile on top of me at once. But finally, I am back on track and feeling so much better. I think the only thing you can do is take it one day at a time and just think through your decisions regarding food and exercise and just make the best possible decisions to help you reach your goal. Sounds like a lot of garbage right? Eh, I'm blaming it on the lack of caffeine. Being the intelligent individual I am, I cut out caffeine before I started back on my 3 12-hour graveyard shifts, not my most brightest moment I'm sure.
  • DT1Rock
    DT1Rock Posts: 16 Member
    Eat clean, stay away from processed foods, drink water. Better off eating a bunch of fruit, your body can digest it better. This app keeps you conscious of what your eating. Between this, Tumblr (fit tags) , Wii Fit, & running I've had some success since Nov. You can do it, stick to a plan, it's not a short race, it's a marathon!!
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    Good for you!! I had a bad first part of May and found myself drinking a glass or two (or three) of wine sitting outside in the nice weather then, I would binge. I have been back on track for 4 days and have lost the bloat weight and the few lbs gained. I hat being so out of control also. I start stuffing things into my mouth until I am almost sick. Then I don't sleep good, I get mad and depressed and then I do it again!! I wonder if this is how it will be forever. I guess if I continue to be diligent about my weight and don't let it creep back on, I can stay at my desired weight. I have been "maintaining" for a year and this happens. I do really good for a month or so and then BAM - I eat and go out of control. But, I have been able to get back on track and get the lbs back to where I want.
  • bmarie612
    bmarie612 Posts: 221 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I have been out of control for 6 months. I had lost 82 lbs. I was wanting to lose another 10..I was so close to being ready to maintain but now I gotta build my muscle back and lose the fat! I'm back on track now though and have been a couple days.Binging is so not worth it. The only advice I have is if you are feeling the urge to eat.. brush your teeth or chew gum. You could try putting a picture of you before you lost weight on the fridge. Its all MIND OVER MATTER!!! Thats what it all boils down to.

    Good luck!

    I also saw this new quote I LOVE:

    "Losing weight is hard. Maintaining is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard."
  • loribee33
    loribee33 Posts: 7
    I need friends to help keep me on track. I'm too embarrassed to have all my Facebook friends watching my every move. Is there a more private way to get people to help motivate me? Help!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    I don't know if this will help others but...I kept a journal where I'd only write positive things I did and little (and big) changes I noticed. Make sure to include how you feel no more bloated feeling or being able to cross my legs more easily. It can be the silliest things but those are the small victories that become big ones. When I'd have a tougher day, I would reread the good messages to myself and that seemed to help keep me on track most of the time because it brought back those feelings. I kept the "beating myself up" out of my writing because we already remind ourselves of that often enough.

    Good luck to everyone.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    (from bmarie612 above:)

    I also saw this new quote I LOVE:

    "Losing weight is hard. Maintaining is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard."

    Love that. I also post sayings on the fridge and in my journal. They seem to help. Also I love one that says, "It never get just get better. (Pic of a young lady at the bottom of steps at the beach...ready to run up them! Love it.)
  • MsKriss281
    MsKriss281 Posts: 91 Member
    I also saw this new quote I LOVE:

    "Losing weight is hard. Maintaining is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard."

    Love this!