Calorie Deficit

This is probably a really silly question, but I'm not sure if I understand the calorie deficit and what it is? For instance, on this site, under home, where it tells us in green how many calories we can have for the day.... If we are able to have a 500 cal. deficit, does that mean at the end of the day when you've logged all your food in, you can still have 500 left in green?

Thanks! I appreciate it! :)


  • starstealing
    i think it depends largely on your goal settings. if you want to lose 1 lb a week, note that in the proper settings. then don't worry about anything - when calculating your daily food total, if it tells you in green that you have 100 cals left, you can eat those 100 cals and still be running that 500 cal deficit you initially set up :3
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    No you should eat atleast eat your minmun,,,,,,,The defici is already built eat atleast your say 1200ca .
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    No..the deficit doesn't show up in your daily should try to eat as close to All the green number calories as you can.
  • skippybonbon
    skippybonbon Posts: 6 Member
    Ah okay! I'm glad I asked now! I didn't realize they were including the deficit in that number,and it's "built in". Thanks so much!