Exercise VS. Sleep

I'm trying to fit working out into my schedule. I work two jobs. One is third shift M-F from Midnight to 5ish and the other is during the day MWF from 12-6. So my question is it more important that I wake up earlier to fit in some exercise or should I just sleep more? I only get about 5 hours of sleep a night when I work my other job. I always talk myself out of exercising after work because I hate feeling rushed between one job and the next.

Some opinions/solutions would be awesome. I just to see if I could get a fresh view on the situation. Thanks everyone!


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    You don't have to work out 7 days a week. With your schedule, I'd work out tues, thurs, sat & sun.
  • I end up so busy on those days getting caught up with homework and housework that I never end up working out. I am having a horrible time putting myself first. Eating right isn't working out so well either. I'm my worst enemy. :/ I have no will power and no discipline.