What food do you wish you didn't have to give up?



  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    I agree - I won't ever give anything up completely - if certain food gives you a lot of pleasure, have it! But not very often or in moderation. Life's too short to have a list of things I love but won't give myself.

    Having said that, I don't keep some things in the house 'cause I know there's potential to go overboard on them - tortilla chips, crisps - basically anything salty and crunchy!! I make myself go out of my way to get them or only buy them as a treat.
  • judswi
    judswi Posts: 73 Member
    chocolate, sometimes I will eat a minature sugarfree special dark chocolate :cry:
  • Like a few others have mentioned giving up food doesn't work for me although I understand for others it may be necessary because they are trigger foods.
    Mine would be cheese, and maybe mt dew, I give myself permission to have one mt dew a day and that way I don't feel panicked from deprivation. Cheese I eat everyday and could eat at every meal. Melted cheese, I am a sucker for pizza and nachos. I realized last night I hadn't had nachos in two weeks.
    When I do have nachos I have gone from an 11inch plate to a 7inch plate and I DO NOT go back for seconds.
  • labreemike
    labreemike Posts: 91 Member
    hot garlic wings and chinese food. healthy versions just not the same.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I agree with the moderation folks, unless a person is on a diet which eliminates a certain kind of food. With the hcg protocol I am doing any refined sugar or starch is strictly off limits, as is fat. If I do cheat and have a small bit, then I give up three days of weight loss until my metabolism readjusts to the lack of carbs and begins burning fat again. So for me, moderation is not in the cards right now

    I miss fried chicken with hot sauce on it. I miss pizza. I miss pasta.

    But I don't miss them enough to eat them because I really don't miss my "fat" clothes.
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    I enjoyed just reading the list of foods mentioned. I just went on vacation and was "forced" to snack on double-dipped raisins, swedish fish, caramel crunch nuts, sourpatch kids, and some ungodly toffee and chocolate cookies (if you can call them cookies). I did not have access to a computer during this get away, and I am trying to block those snacks from my mind now.

    I just need to get over the desire now to walk past a cabinet and crave whatever is behind it!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    This is a lfestyle change, not a diet for me, no foods are off limits, I just portion them correctly and always had a veggie or fruit and a big ol' glass of water. I'm not saying I constantly have fried foods, but in moderation they are not bad. 2x a month maybe, depending on the food or occassion. Remember, you don't have to cut out any food (unless it's harmful to you and you've been told to stop via doctor), just build your will power and eat smaller portions of that food and you can still have your blizzard or fries smothered in everything. Heck, I had a blizzard (new mini) and went to a steakhouse Wednesdat for my birthday (and got a steak covered in onions and had a side of mashed potatoes and steamed veggies with 40oz of water) and I lost almost 2lbs this week even with all that.
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    Well... none, really. Anything is fair game, but I willingly give up fast food and supermarket food (as often as possible) because I don't dig our globalized food system. Agreed with BrunetteWife - in moderation things aren't bad.
  • ksv123
    ksv123 Posts: 82 Member
    I totally agree - you shouldn't have any food completely off limits. However, staying away from the breads loaded with butter have been difficult for me.

    But eating half a pound of bacon in one sitting is something I won't allow myself to do anymore!
  • fresh and warm jalapeno and cream cheese stuffed bread roll from the local mexican panaceria....mouth watering as I type.
    OMG: I'm in the UK, never heard of this, didn't know it existed but it sounds so good I think I miss it! :laugh: was reading through this thinking I don't really have to give anything up. My problem is I wasn't eating enough and was gaining weight accordingly. I don't eat meat, wheat or dairy too much, never liked junk food, never friend anything....but mexican food is my fave
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Why are you giving up foods? I haven't given up any (except soda, but I don't miss it). This is a lifestyle change. You're really going to go through the rest of your LIFE avoiding this food you miss? That doesn't make sense. Enjoy the food you love, people, just be smart about it!
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    Do we really have to give up anything? Granted, all of the things mentioned here should not be consumed on a regular basis (except maybe the peanut butter), but given up? I think if you eat healthy 98 or 99% of the time, why not splurge on occasion? You could even find a buddy to go with and split the burger and skip the fries if you felt too guilty!

    I lost 70 pounds over 13 years ago and have kept it off. I eat very healthy and seriously exercise, strength train and run; however, will definitely treat myself on occasion. The idea of being banned from anything just kills me. Afterall, I could never give up my pizza!

    It is fun to think about all this food though! LOL

    I haven't given up much, and what I have given up I don't even think about. I just try to find an alternative to everything. There are certain restaurant foods that I love that if I ate them at a restaurant would be 1200+ calories, but I can usually make a satisfying option at home for 400cal or under. I figure as long as I can fit it into my daily calorie goals then nothing is off limits. I just try to eat healthier overall, by adding extra veggies to everything, drinking water instead of diet coke, choosing lower sodium options, etc.
  • Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supreme
    Deluxe Mac N Cheese ( the shells w/ the squeeze bag cheese.. i could eat the whole batch)
    grilled cheese
    greasy chinese food
    caesar dressing on everything
    broc ched soup w hunks of bread
    anything w cheese basically..
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I love any and all foods, especially buffets. I loved to go with a friend to our hometown chinese buffet and have 3 huge plates full of chinese food. I don't even want to know how many calories i took in on one of those nights.
  • arbragg
    arbragg Posts: 73 Member
    I agree with you totally! It's all about portion control, exercising and everything in moderation. The more you deprive yourself of the foods you love, the more you will crave them, and thats when you binge. Peanut Butter, all beit, high in fat, is a very good thing to have in the morning, protein is good, and it helps to regualte your blood sugars, so that oyu are not all over tha map by lunch time.
  • Dawn_2013
    Dawn_2013 Posts: 170
    Peanut butter? I know it's high in fat, but I still eat it for the protein!
    Try almond butter, it is less sweet, better for you and after you get used to it, you never want to go back!:love:
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Sigh....my favourite food missed is potatoe chips!!! Plain rippled with or without dip..... Miss the salt. I used to average one to two large bags per week since my teens!!! Wasn't a problem till the last three years.

    I have only had two bags of chips in the last month, so I still have them but not often. Instead of eating half the bag at once, I have a small bowl for the first four days then I just finish it. SO I have learned not to buy them too often.

    I have replaced my potatoe chips with huge, kosher dill pickles....yumm can't get enough!! No cals. only problem is sodium.

    My second favourite is cheese n crackers. Gave up the crackers. But switched to fat free cheese slices instead of brick cheese. Much better and still get my cheese in.

    Take out from McDonald's don't miss that much, Just downgraded my Big Mac to a cheeseburger. No combos anymore, just the sandwich.
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Oh and I forgot, I gave up my beloved Tim Horton's coffee. At 450 calories for an xlarge triple triple I decided I would do better with one small coffee with 1 tsp of sugar and 2 tsp of low fat cream for about 40 calories instead.

    NEVER thought I could give up my TImmie's!!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I'll agree that you shouldn't eliminate any foods and that moderation is key, but.... who has the willpower to buy something bad for you and only eat a little bit?

    I miss restaurant dessert. I know I would be satisfied with just a taste, so I wish they served tiny portions. I can not have food sitting in front of me without continueing to pick at it. And I can't justify spending $6 on just a few bites even if I had the willpower to stop.

    Things that immediately come to mind:
    Red Velvet Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory
    Flourless brownie from TGI Fridays that is covered with chocolate, caramel, pecans, and icecream
    Sizzling Apple Pie from Applebee's

    The best part is, even if I gave in I wouldn't enjoy it! I did have the apple pie from Applebee's about 2 months ago. I split it with my boyfriend and only ate half. Even though it used to be one of my favorite things it just tasted gross. Changing my eating has changed my taste buds. I used to eat one of those all by myself, but just half made me really sick and miserable for the rest of the day.
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    Reese's, Reese's Pieces, Reese's Fast Break, Reese's Big Cup, Reese's Blizzard, Reese's ice cream, Reese's Bits N' Pieces milkshake, mini Reese's, Reese's candy bar, Reese's magic shell......
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I haven't had Sweettarts in months. And my husband just had a Carl's Jr. Jalepeno Burger...he just had to say it out loud!!!
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Candy!!! In all forms. :)
  • Lauris83
    Lauris83 Posts: 58
    maybe she meant what food are we not going to go crazy on anymore? lol mine is chocolate and french fries. I still have chocolate once in a while but french fries I avoid like the plague lol ok not really I had a little the other day. It's nice to say "everything in moderation" but come on it's difficult to stop once you start..which is why we are here no? so it's probably better to avoid SOME foods..atleast 6 days out of the week :)
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Cheesecake, chicken wings, pizza, & liquor.

    I've made healthy/low-cal alternatives to all of them, except liquor of course, but it's never the same!!!
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    maybe she meant what food are we not going to go crazy on anymore? lol mine is chocolate and french fries. I still have chocolate once in a while but french fries I avoid like the plague lol ok not really I had a little the other day. It's nice to say "everything in moderation" but come on it's difficult to stop once you start..which is why we are here no? so it's probably better to avoid SOME foods..atleast 6 days out of the week :)

    AGREE :)
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Do we really have to give up anything? Granted, all of the things mentioned here should not be consumed on a regular basis (except maybe the peanut butter), but given up? I think if you eat healthy 98 or 99% of the time, why not splurge on occasion? You could even find a buddy to go with and split the burger and skip the fries if you felt too guilty!

    I lost 70 pounds over 13 years ago and have kept it off. I eat very healthy and seriously exercise, strength train and run; however, will definitely treat myself on occasion. The idea of being banned from anything just kills me. Afterall, I could never give up my pizza!

    It is fun to think about all this food though! LOL

    I agree. I haven't "given up" anything. I never really cared for fried stuff anyway.
  • mocosa74
    mocosa74 Posts: 42
    Oh so many choices!!!...but I would have to say, mine is Peanut butter.........i could eat it by the spoonfuls! I am sure there is something else, but I am full right now, so nothing comes to mind.:wink:
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    bread...makes me sad :sad:
  • :blushing: This thread is a little like food porn. :blushing:

    YES!! it totally is because after reading each post I'm thinking to myself "Oh yeah I miss that" then read the next thread and I'm OH yeah I REALLY miss that.

    For me it can be anything, chocolate, ice cream, crackers & cheese, oh and yes definitely 5-guys anything they make there

  • rslavens
    rslavens Posts: 9 Member
    Movie theatre popcorn (from the actual theatre), hawaiian bread and spinach dip, and chili cheese fritos with cheddar cheese dip, oh, and pecan pie!!!!
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