Started JMBR today

Anyone one else doing this? If so pls add me as I could do with the support. I am a great starter but struggle to finish, am determined for this to be the first program that I start AND FINISH!! Aiming to reach my goal of 30lbs by the end of Phase 3, not sure how possible this is but gonna be putting in the work.


  • sweetcheeks1978
  • michellechawner
    I'm not sure what JMBR is? That being the case, I'm probably not doing it if I don't know what it means.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I THINK it's Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution... am I right?
  • sweetcheeks1978
    I THINK it's Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution... am I right?

    Yes you are right...
  • woahohjme
    woahohjme Posts: 28
    I am on the end of week one! (Rest day!) I start week two tomorrow! I don't really like the cardio video that came with it...I just go for a run instead of that video, but I really like it so far! I have lost about 2lbs in the first week but I have been eating good and I also started running along with her videos:) We can keep each other motivated! I started awhile ago and stopped haha I'm trying to go all the way to the end! haha