Women Question-- Hormone Imbalance and Weight or PCOS



  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    I'm kind of floored that i just found this topic, I am actually headed to the Dr in about 15 min to get my hormone and ultrasound results from a host of tests i had done last week. I stopped having periods 6 months ago and am a little freaked out about the results.. it's nice to see posts from women with hormone issues, i have such a hard time losing weight regardless of my effort (check my diary and exercise log, i really should be dropping easily).. it's so nice to know i'm not alone, thanks for the topic!
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    Let us know how your appt. goes Bree :)
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    so i have to go in monday for an MRI, they believe I have PCOS but the ultrasound was inconclusive so the MRI should show more. I also have something wrong with my uterus where there's a wall that splits it into two areas. My hormone labs came back normal. It looks like i'm in for a battle with fertility.. Not really great news but at least i'm finally getting some answers.
  • It's amazing to see how many women are having struggles that are similar to mine!

    Last year I was diagnosed with PCOS. I spent the year trying alternative healing methods like reiki and acupuncture. What a surprise, they haven't helped.

    Should I see my gynecologist or my GP for a prescription for Metformin?
  • Maria052007
    Maria052007 Posts: 41 Member

    I'm glad I posted this topic! You all are so amazing! Thank you all for opening up! So far I have learned a lot from all of you.

    I do have another question for you guys tho!!!

    Have you tried High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT)?

    I know it's a bit new, but have read a study done in the Netherlands (reputable school but not sure which one) and an article from Men's Health saying it increases insulin sensitivity and reduces weight around the middle area, along with boosting your metabolism for like 48 hours. I tried it just once, and lost a few lbs in next day. I just wondered if anyone else tried, or not?

    But... I know studies can be bull.
  • JHR323
    JHR323 Posts: 22 Member
    Have you tried High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT)?

    I know it's a bit new, but have read a study done in the Netherlands (reputable school but not sure which one) and an article from Men's Health saying it increases insulin sensitivity and reduces weight around the middle area, along with boosting your metabolism for like 48 hours. I tried it just once, and lost a few lbs in next day. I just wondered if anyone else tried, or not?

    But... I know studies can be bull.

    I have done HIIT workouts! I did/do the Turbo Fire workouts by Chalene Johnson which incorporate HIIT training, and it is the ONLY time I have ever lost belly fat through an exercise program. It got me back to the body I had when I was in middle school and swam 7 days a week for hours a day. I highly recommend it. Thanks for sharing this info about HIIT training. I was just diagnosed with PCOS, and in looking back now, it helps explain why this is what worked for me when other exercise options had not.
  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    I know I am super late to this topic but I have been diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism. Metformin made me so sick, nauseated, dizziness, headaches....I was barely able to walk to make it to the car to go to the ER. This happened both times I tried it. So now I am not taking anything and that was almost six years ago. I am not taking any thyroid medicine at all either. I have been eating more kelp and soon to start taking bladderwrack pills. I am cutting my carbs down and doing away with processed foods in hope of seeing the scale move. I have been on MFP since december and have only lost six pounds. It is going slow but I hope it will get better soon. I joined atkins website a few days ago and hope to use that in my diet as well.

    I hope all is well with you ladies who posted here previously. I would love to hear about your results.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I actually have PCOS...but am not insulin resistant. I take no medications for it and have managed over the last 5.5 years to lose 205 pounds so it can be done. I have try and have a carb free meal once a day (usually my night time meal) i might have 3 carb meals per day maybe once or twice a week. This has worked really well for me...also go for lots of good carbs,....no white bread...healthy grainy bread....eat other carbs like barley, quinoa, brown rice etc - best of luck :)
  • how are all of you being diagnosed! My doctors never believe me! My mother had PCOS and died from a heart attack at 37 because of it. I have every symptom she had, weight gain, facial hair, chest hair, elevated testosterone no periods or insanley heavy periods so bad I have to change tampons every hour and yet somehow everytime I bring it up to my doctors they refuse to treat me and say that I don't have it becuase I ahv eno cysts!
  • Jgen62
    Jgen62 Posts: 66
    I was diagnosed with PSOS when I had trouble getting pregnant.
    Did some research on my own and asked my Dr. to do a procedure
    that isn't done anymore because of success rates but took the
    chance and it worked. It is called a wedge resection where they cut a small
    Wedge section off of ur ovary without puncturing ur ovary wall. (which if this
    Happens you will lose all the eggs in that ovary but you have another ovary with
    More eggs)Actually taking a small section of the blanket of eggs that never made it
    thru to fertilize Therefore making a doorway for the new egg to make it thru. I was blessed
    With two children a boy and girl. I also am having trouble losing weight I think I will
    Look into the cinnamon.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I was diagnosed when i started to hemorage over night....i asked to be referred to a gyne and from there she did blood tests, a ultra sound and then a hysteroscopy to diagnose me.
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    how are all of you being diagnosed! My doctors never believe me! My mother had PCOS and died from a heart attack at 37 because of it. I have every symptom she had, weight gain, facial hair, chest hair, elevated testosterone no periods or insanley heavy periods so bad I have to change tampons every hour and yet somehow everytime I bring it up to my doctors they refuse to treat me and say that I don't have it becuase I ahv eno cysts!

    Get a new doctor that understand it's not just about the cysts.
  • foss44
    foss44 Posts: 119 Member
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    I have PCOS and mine is a really bad case. I tried metformin 500 and 1000mg and it didn't help at all. I also had tried 8 different types of BC and none of that worked either they told me it probably wouldn't help and to not use either. I recently had a stillborn and all the complications with that caused from my PCOS. Just a fair warning to anyone planning on getting pregnant make sure to find a high risk obgyn I was told it is almost a definite you will have pre-eclampsia with PCOS especially if it is your first child. But because I had it so bad I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 20-21 weeks and I lost him at 28 weeks. I am still having a lot of trouble been exercising a lot more and trying to eat right... working my way out of sweets and things is hard again. But I have lost inches which is still good. I have tried a low carb diet and that didn't even work.... plus it was hard for me to stick to... I do however eat a higher veggie and protein and less carbs which maybe how I lost the inches. I was only doing cardio so I am going to add in strength training and I may try to do the cinnamon regiment that others mentioned.

    I'm sooooo sorry for you loss.
  • BrittanieGo
    BrittanieGo Posts: 60 Member
    I had PCOS also. Low Carb was the only version on restriction with exercise that made a difference. Good luck!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    sounds like me! i have PCOS and insulin resistance, and am on Metformin and BC. feel free to add me :)
  • sprauer96
    sprauer96 Posts: 1
    Hi, My name is Mackenzie. I'm 17 years old and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 15. Ever since I was born I've been overweight and its been emotionally and physically hard to deal with all this weight! I was given Metphormin, but havent been taking it cause it gives me terrible diarrhea (which i'd be missing school over). Does metphormin make THAT MUCH of a difference?
    Even though i'm only 17 and way to young to have children, i've always been worried about not being able to conceive. I have regular periods and just joined the gym planet fitness, but is there anything else I can do to prevent this from getting worse?
    I do not only have PCOS, but acanthosis nigracans. My mother also had ovarian cancer which puts me at risk.
    All these diseases make me more prone diabetes. I NEED HELP!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I have PCOS and have lost 180+ pounds....the key for me was having only moderate carbs (no more then 158 grams a day but on average its between about 95 grams and 130 grams), be active (soon as I am not active my weight loss slows down a LOT) and also ensure you are getting enough sleep. :)
  • Jetta1492
    Jetta1492 Posts: 47 Member
    I have PCOS and mine is a really bad case. I tried metformin 500 and 1000mg and it didn't help at all. I also had tried 8 different types of BC and none of that worked either they told me it probably wouldn't help and to not use either. I recently had a stillborn and all the complications with that caused from my PCOS. Just a fair warning to anyone planning on getting pregnant make sure to find a high risk obgyn I was told it is almost a definite you will have pre-eclampsia with PCOS especially if it is your first child. But because I had it so bad I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 20-21 weeks and I lost him at 28 weeks. I am still having a lot of trouble been exercising a lot more and trying to eat right... working my way out of sweets and things is hard again. But I have lost inches which is still good. I have tried a low carb diet and that didn't even work.... plus it was hard for me to stick to... I do however eat a higher veggie and protein and less carbs which maybe how I lost the inches. I was only doing cardio so I am going to add in strength training and I may try to do the cinnamon regiment that others mentioned.

    I'm very sorry about your loss. I too had pre-eclampsia when I was pregnant with my daughter. I would agree with finding a high risk OB/Gyn for anyone who has PCOS & gets pregnant, because of this risk...
  • hkb85
    hkb85 Posts: 37
    Hi, My name is Mackenzie. I'm 17 years old and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 15. Ever since I was born I've been overweight and its been emotionally and physically hard to deal with all this weight! I was given Metphormin, but havent been taking it cause it gives me terrible diarrhea (which i'd be missing school over). Does metphormin make THAT MUCH of a difference?
    Even though i'm only 17 and way to young to have children, i've always been worried about not being able to conceive. I have regular periods and just joined the gym planet fitness, but is there anything else I can do to prevent this from getting worse?
    I do not only have PCOS, but acanthosis nigracans. My mother also had ovarian cancer which puts me at risk.
    All these diseases make me more prone diabetes. I NEED HELP!

    Metformin is a pre-diabetes drug
    Most people are put on it if they are at risk of diabetes (usually determined by a blood test)