eating healthy in parties?

I am at a bbq party right now and it is very difficult to keep my fitness goal in check right now, especially when surrounded with food and drinks. How do you keep eating healthy in parties, especially when summer is approaching?


  • abva98
    abva98 Posts: 2
    Wear tight clothes or clothes that just fit. That way you can't overindulge without feeling extremely self-conscious
  • Dlacenere
    Dlacenere Posts: 198 Member
    Offer to bring a salad, side and /or dessert and eat what you bring, that's what I always do
  • amyLhuff
    amyLhuff Posts: 102
    Get a small plastic spoon and have. Spoonful of everything omit the bun on the burger , allow yourself one drink. Have fun it's just one day don't over do it but don't deprive yourself. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    It's all about portion control. I learnt some great things from my time living in Paris. Parisian women will get a plate and put one or two things on it, then sit and eat that. Then they will wait a little while before going back for more if they are still hungry. They also drink a glass of water before they eat and water with their meal.
    I'm not saying all women in Paris/french women do this, but the ones I have seen who control their portion sizes at big meals or parties tend to do this.
  • I was at a bbq yesterday and i replaced a normal burger with a veggie burger. and instead of cheesecake i had a scoop of ice cream on a cone. and drink diet sodas or water. stay away from crisps as you will just want more and more. and eat salad with your burger if possible. but dont be worrying about what you eat all the time, have a bit of fun!! :)
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I tend to just eat my food and log it as usual.

    No need to get all worried about it.
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    The nice thing about parties is that the point of them is to socialize, not to eat, even if that's what everyone is doing. Keep your mouth and hands occupied. Have your hands on your phone at all times, and always be talking to other people. With full hands and a busy mouth you can't have much eating going on in between!

    *Edit - Of course this is to help you with portion control. As far as actually eating healthy foods, I'd say bring something yourself or stick to other obviously healthy things provided, like fruits. But in my experience, there's not a lot of that around at such parties, and if I go near the food at all, I usually coax myself into indulging a little...and then a little turns into a lot. Personally I find it easier to get the willpower to just stay away from it altogether for most of the party. Or just take something at the end.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    u dont ...just have fun! now the secret is What you are eating when you are NOT at the parties;)
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    I don't really watch what I eat when I go to BBQs or dinner parties because tomorrow is always a new day and you can always work it off. One day of bad eating is not going to make you fat.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You're at a party right now? Go and enjoy the party!
  • pixie_pix
    pixie_pix Posts: 157 Member
    last time we were on a bbq we prepared some chickenbreast/onion/bell paprika skewers with nice hot seasoning and a bowl of salad to help myself over the day... it was nice to have the taste of grilled things without the load of calories... I did not touch the burger, the bacon and of course not the sausages on the grill and drank water and cold red tea.
    For my efforts I was rewarded with a piece of apple pie without losing track...
    ah... and jus before we started the bbq action I drew myself out of the round of chitchat and made a nice brisk 45 mins walk so I felt not so bad eating all the extras :o)
  • Shiroi
    Shiroi Posts: 41 Member
    If you have no control over what is being served there, like people have said it's going to be about portion control. Easier said than done, I know. I would suggest maybe eating something small before you go so you won't overeat, and bring water with you to avoid the drinks being served. Or if you have occasional cheat days, save it for the parties, but again don't go too crazy with portions sizes.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,902 Member
    I do a big cardio workout beforehand, and just endeavor to stay within maintenance for the event. Have a good time.
  • mamabisme
    mamabisme Posts: 59 Member
    You're at a party right now? Go and enjoy the party!
    THIS! Get off mfp and go have fun!!

    And to answer your question... I don't obsess when I'm at a party. I make the best choices available to me at the time. You know what's a healthy choice and what isn't. Just do the best you can. Even if nothing is healthy per se just don't use it as an excuse to go nuts. Have a small portion and enjoy. If you're still hungry have some healthy food when you get home.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    just remind yourself anything you don't eat at a party doesn't mean you will never have another chance at eating that food some other time.

    Keep a big glass of water or ice tea in your hand at all times. walk around, stand, socialize. If you do eat something, take very small bites and chew each bite at least 20 times. You can do it!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Get a plate, and put a reasonable amount of the foods you want to eat on it. Then, eat it, and you're done. Think of it as a meal rather than a free-for-all. It doesn't hurt to indulge a little if it's an occasional thing, but if it's going to be happening a lot, you don't want to make a habit of over-indulging.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Guess it depends on your idea of healthy. I just had a big BBQ yesterday...everything was healthy. For protein I slow smoked some baby back ribs, two whole chickens, and a brisket. For sides I did my homemade potato salad, Coleslaw w/my signature olive oil and vinegar dressing, homemade bbq baked beans and deviled eggs.

    There is nothing inherently "unhealthy" about anything I made...I made everything from scratch using whole food ingredients. I guess if your idea of healthy is sucking on a celery stick, you might have a problem...if you can wrap your brain around the fact that no food is inherently evil and you can practice portion control...well, you'll have a much better time and a much easier time with your "diet."

    Also, if you're at a party right now and logged into MFP and have problems. Go enjoy the party...have a few beers and stop obsessing about an isolated event like a party.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I bring my food scale with me. I don't care what people think. They aren't the ones trying to get to single digit body-fat.
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    If you're at the party - go be merry. But I eat before I go to a party. Winter time I'll have a big bowl of soup, summer time a big salad including protein. Means I'm full before I go. I can still leave room to eat a little at the party, but I'll only taste it.

    - I've the added advantage I don't really drink (not enough to make any difference), when I do have one or two I find my resolve isn't as good.
  • etmeum
    etmeum Posts: 23
    Thanks guys. It is really helpful to read these comments and remind myself to just have fun and keep the portions small. Back to the party!
  • For me, it's all about portion control, as long as I log what I eat and don't overindulge, I don't worry.