Any bakers trying to lose weight?



  • liddienicole
    liddienicole Posts: 45 Member
    Bump!! Baking is what made me fat to begin with. I've always loved baking, but the past year I've been doing it loads. There's just me & my boyfriend in my flat and I'd bake loads of things - oreo cupcakes, flapjack, biscuits, cakes, scones. We'd demolish the lot and then I'd make some more - a constant supply. I still bake a bit but just make sure I cut them into much smaller portions and add up all the calories in my baked goods so I can fit it into my daily goal. I do bake cupcakes and cakes for the public too though, so that gives me an excuse to bake I just wish I could do more tasting like I used to :P
  • baker150
    baker150 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm a baker, have been for about 8 years now. It is one of the main contributing factors to how I gained all of my weight. In the last year I have lost 110 pounds. The first 6 months or so at work, I didn't eat a single bite of anything I made, but if I absolutely had to try it for quality control, I would try the tiniest piece or amount or whatever, and then spit it out. But now that I've gained more control, I'm able to have a couple bites of things now and then. Some days though, the smells really get to me and I cave, I just make sure to work out more that night lol. Good luck!
  • andreamelo1
    andreamelo1 Posts: 161 Member
    OMG so glad someone asked i love baking & i hate the fact that i have to limit my 3 fresh baked hard chicago rolls or homemade filo dough :( makes me sad
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I'm a baker too. I make Angle food cake and Banana Bread a lot. I found a recipe for Banana Bread that only has 60 Cals and 1 gram of fat.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    You can make some great things that are light :) Make it a hobby to be a light baker its what I did its a blast to modify recipes to see what works and what doesnt
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    I'm a competitive baker (only compete a few times each year though). I usually sample a little and work it into my calorie goal. I find that once I've baked a number of goodies I don't feel like eating them anymore. Husband, brother, and father are my taste testers. They can be pretty honest so I trust what they tell me.
  • kiern18
    kiern18 Posts: 61
    Wholeheartedly, I believe that I was born to bake. I grew up around a loving grandmother who expressed her love through foods. I got to where I am today because of the food addiction that I developed. But I will not let my food addiction stop me from doing what I love to do. Baking is my passion. I put my heart into every single thing I bake. I go to culinary school. The temptations are high. I make danishes, croissants, cakes with rich butter creams, fruit tarts, and tons of bread. When I first started my new lifestyle a few months ago, I knew this was going to be hard. I have cried many tears and have had many conversations with myself about my future, if this is right for me, and if I should choose something else to do with my life. But I looked at myself in the mirror for a really long time and told myself that enough is enough, that the reason I am unhappy is because of my addiction to food. And here's the answer I have found: it's about maintenance, it's about loving your baked goods enough to know when to walk out of the kitchen if you are feeling a temptation rise, and it's about baking because you love to bake....not because you want to eat everything that you make. I bake out of love and for people. Having a healthy lifestyle does not mean depriving yourself and focusing on every single calorie that you take in. It's about enjoying your life and knowing when to set limits for yourself. It all comes down to you. If you love baking with all of your heart, do not give it up. Be happy. Set goals for yourself but learn to live a little. Be strong. :)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I'm a cake decorator/baker doing it as a cottage business in my state. When I first started I tasted a lot but now my recipes are pretty well set. Occasionally I'll need an opinion but I'm gluten intolerant so I usually have to ask a trusted friend or family member for their opinion. Being gluten intolerant does keep me from tasting! :)
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    baker and cake decorator. didn't realize how bad my "testing" had gotten until now. would back two cakes, one for me, and one for the person the cake is for.
  • I am a professional baker at an ice cream shop and bakery. I too have little to no self control. Food and I have a troubled relationship. I don't hate myself for the amount of sweets I will consume in a sitting but when my tummy starts pooching and my chin doubles I try to control myself. Honestly what I am thinking of doing is just upping my activity level however possible. I don't mind exercising more but I work two jobs and go to school. Time is quite limited. But with my current activity level and several "cookie lunches" I have stayed the same weight for 3 years. Including two years in culinary school. That was like pig out heaven almost every day!! What has helped with me a little is that I have made a rule with myself that it must be baked/cooked. No more cookie dough and brownie batter. Having to be short a brownie or bake an extra cookie can deter me sometimes. But then you have the brownie that sticks to the pan, the cookie that is a bit too brown. Those mistakes are usually taken care of by a quick munch!!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    We are in the process of opening a small kitchen in our convenience store and my boyfriend wants me to do all the baking of our sub rolls, hamburger/hot dog rolls/sandwich breads both to use in the deli section AND for resale to customers.....and he wants several dessert options to sell in pre-wrapped slices. You can tell by LOOKING and FEELING if the bread is made correctly. You don't need to taste it.... but the desserts, I will just taste myself for the first few times I make them.. but once I am confidant in the recipe, I won't feel the need to taste every batch I make... It kind of sucks though because I don't tolerate wheat well and I don't eat it as part of my regular diet so I'd rather not have to taste, but I don't trust anyone else's opinion.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    baker and cake decorator. didn't realize how bad my "testing" had gotten until now. would back two cakes, one for me, and one for the person the cake is for.

    I didn't go quite that far BUT back when I was still able to eat wheat, all the extra pieces from when I leveled the cakes would promptly get frosted with whatever icing was left over in the piping bags:blushing:
  • Bunnybeesweet
    Bunnybeesweet Posts: 165 Member
    I can't believe anyone would serve untasted food...

    when I baked for a living I would taste everything! and then spit out as much as I could. (in the compost bucket I had right at my feet)

    although eventually I tired of my life revolving around sweets, I wasn't as healthy as I wanted to be and I changed careers. but I never gained weight doing it.
  • britttttx3
    britttttx3 Posts: 458
    I work at a bakery!! I'm not a baker but I'm surrounded by it ALL DAAY. I usually bring fruit and veggies so I always have something healthy to snack on. If we need to taste test to see if it's okay to sell, I just take a bite.sometimes I spit it out, gross I know, but it hasn't seemed to be doing any damage so far
  • easternNCchick
    easternNCchick Posts: 198 Member
    I bake but hate cake so Im lucky lol. I know, how can one bake but hate the taste? Thats why I have my old man and daughter to taste lol
  • Dessiyoga
    Dessiyoga Posts: 9
    I am not a professional baker but I'm a mother of three and love to bake. Sometimes I have a piece of cake or a muffin, but when I was on a mission to loose my post pregnancy 40 plus pounds, I discovered I had the strength to not eat anything sweet for more than a year. I took a lot of photographs though, not only of my creations but also bakery shop and sweetshop windows. Somehow photography helped.
    In short, If I could do it, you can do it as well. Good luck on your journey to health.
    BTW, we have similar nicknames, I thought you were my namesake at first. I like your name, you have a friend request sent.
  • You'll need to practice self-control and only sample the really calorie high foods only when necessary. Also sample in small bites.
  • penny_lane709
    penny_lane709 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a baker and have been in my current job for 4+ years. At first i ate a fair number of the products but after this long spending every day making the exact same items the novelty has kind of worn off. Sometimes I even forget its actually food Im working with haha Someone at school once told me that its important to remember that tasting products is part of the job, but a taste is a taste. It's one bite or less, its a small piece of a cookie- NOT the whole cookie (muffin, slice of pie etc.) every time. Its okay to have a whole portion of something once in a while as long as you track the item. You should also record the taste test items too. They can add up quickly- it probably wont be totally accurate but its better than pretending you didnt eat it. I also know how hard it is to actually get a break when you work in the food service industry- even if you start taking meal replacement shakes, protein bars etc. along with some fruits and veggies to munch on when you have a few mins you wont find yourself to the point of being so hungry you just shovel in whatever's around. Good luck!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I'm a home baker, but I lean toward breads. My sourdough culture is Morty. I use my family as guinea pigs and since it's the baking I love I tend to spread my goodies around to co-workers and neighbours. I do occasionally eat what I make, I just try to enter the recipes and divide it into serving sizes so I know how much I'm having and can account for it.