Temptations at work! NEED help!!

So do any of you work in a job surrounded by temptations?
I work at a cinema, which not only has: popcorn, nachos, hot dogs and sweets as temptation. But the one I work at is in an entertainments center, which means its surrounded by restaurants such as Frankie and Bennys, Nandos and fast food like Mc Donald's, Subway, Chinese and my biggest weakness, Starbucks (Mocha Cookie Crumble is my favorite drink, ever!)

How do you resist these temptations if you're surrounded by them? Especially when I get major discount from them ALL? Anyone else have a this issue or know how to resolve it?


  • lp413wp226
    lp413wp226 Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe you could eat at Subway often and then bring your own lunch. Hugs!! Hang in there!
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    Simply reading up on the nutrition information at those places is enough motivation for me to stay away. :sick:
  • mhcoss
    mhcoss Posts: 220

    My job is in a large control room with about 40 other men. The break room is constantly filled with chips/cookies/doughnuts/ etc!

    When I want to indulge in something in the break room I do, I just make sure it works into my calories. Check my food log I had a doughnut today :D I don't even give a #$# because I'm still making progress on my cut despite eating a doughnut. Its tempting to go get another one though haha
  • nataliesarazyn
    nataliesarazyn Posts: 24 Member
    I work in a supermarket. The whole thing is food haha
  • CatMcCheesey
    CatMcCheesey Posts: 143
    Bring healthy snack with you to work, so you won't get hungry. Temptation is hardest to resist when you are hungry.
  • learninmama
    learninmama Posts: 49 Member
    Bring your own snacks & meals...

    I am offered free food at my job & always have people bringing in junk.

    I plan ahead my entire day & have my lunch box including a wide variety of snacks all packed.

    I usually included 4-5 diff snacks & rarely eat them all but it's nice to have variety. :)
  • Lorichr
    Lorichr Posts: 54
    I am a nurse in a medical clinic. My manager keeps the candy drawer full and there is usually something temping in the break room as well.

    I bring my lunch and snacks and generally just try to not even go in the break room or open the candy drawer. But it hard.
  • celia4711
    celia4711 Posts: 15
    Get some willpower...? lol there is no magic fix.
  • beautifulbrat
    beautifulbrat Posts: 171
    When I worked at Kroger we had a Starbucks. I found that the Very Berry Hibiscuis (sp?) was super good, esp with a hint of lime and only like 70 cals. very good for a hot day and great tasting....just sayin ;)
  • Rmolars
    Rmolars Posts: 28
    The people I work with are constantly bringing in cookies, cupcakes, candy etc. for the whole office. It is EXTREMELY difficult to say no to these things, but YOU CAN DO IT. Drink lots of water throughout the day so you feel more full....too full for treats :) & bring your own healthy snacks to work & munch on those instead.
  • r0nin567
    r0nin567 Posts: 2
    Omg I work at Carvel, I swear, it's just the worst.
  • oohashbee
    oohashbee Posts: 21
    I work in an office so that means company lunches, coworkers constantly ordering take away, donuts and bagels galore. Sometimes it's hard and I've found myself reaching for that bagel but then I just become honest with myself: I COULD have this, it fits into my calories, but it's not going to make me fill satiated and it's not going to provide me with the good nutrients I need, why waste my calories??